Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

115 SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW | EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES MS4 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Collaboration with local communities where we have operations on environmental and social projects that benefit the wider public. Concerned stakeholders S8 Risks • Localised disputes may affect operations if Yinson does not maintain a positive image to the communities on which it relies for resources. • Not continuously performing to the existing standards may impact the company’s reputation. Opportunities • Good community practices promote a good reputation, facilitating talent attraction and retention. • Social license to operate. • Good community programmes contribute to positive economic, environmental and social impacts in the communities where we operate. WHY IS THIS TOPIC MATERIAL TO US? Community engagement is crucial for building trust and fostering sustainable growth. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) programmes, we are able to positively impact our immediate areas of operation environmentally, socially and economically, thereby creating a more conducive environment for our sustained growth. CSR allows us to develop strategic insights into the local social and environmental landscape, helping us to adapt our business practices and manage our risks more effectively. Additionally, robust CSR programmes build a positive reputation, leading to better attraction and retention of talents, while maintaining our social licence to operate. MANAGEMENT APPROACH The Yinson CSR Policy and Procedure outlines guidelines and procedures for carrying out CSR initiatives within the organisation. Yinson’s CSR Mission is to create positive economic, environmental, and social impacts in the areas where we conduct business. This is primarily achieved through the following pillars in line with the UN SDGs: • To promote quality education and effective learning for all (SDGs 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8). • To promote environmental conservation and preservation (SDGs 14 and 15). • To address climate change and its impacts (SDG 13). • To improve and/or build resilient infrastructure (SDGs 7 and 9). To achieve our CSR mission, we are committed to: • Corporate philanthropy and impact investing: Creating shared value with long-term outcomes and lasting positive impact in our communities and the environment through corporate philanthropy and/or impact investing. • Active and voluntary employee participation: Encouraging our employees to be involved in inspiring future generations and care for the community and environment through active participation in Yinson’s CSR projects or other forms of volunteerism in their communities. Yinson recognises nature-related matters as a business imperative. We believe that CSR initiatives focusing on environmental preservation can foster a strong and stable ecosystem aligning with stakeholder expectations while promoting sustainable practices. In addition, engaging with the community boosts employee satisfaction through the provision of opportunities for involvement in meaningful initiatives. Every Yinson employee is encouraged to propose and lead CSR initiatives in their local communities. Our CSR strategy includes developing internal programmes and partnering with organisations that share our CSR objectives, such as NGOs, collaborators, and society as a whole. To further support employee involvement in CSR activities, we launched employee voluntary time-off this financial year, which allows employees to take up to four days of volunteering time-off annually.