Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

113 SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW | EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES Recent achievements • Our Performance Management System offers a continuous performance category where employees can record activities and achievements linked to their annual goals. It also includes a feedback tool for active listening and input from employees, peers and managers. Employees can use this tool to request feedback, or for managers to provide ongoing feedback throughout the performance cycle. • The system also allows employees to set development goals, facilitating discussions between management and employees to identify skill-building opportunities and promote career growth. • With the implementation of the Global Job Framework, every job at Yinson is categorised by level, role and family, enabling us to recognise and reward employees’ potential and performance while providing clear guidance on career advancement. • As part of this effort, generic job roles have been established for each level and family, aligning every position within the organisation with these roles and integrating them into the Yinson Job Framework Matrix. This alignment enhances clarity and simplifies the management of job levels, offering a straightforward path for career progression within the company. Learning and development Our Learning and Development strategy underscores our dedication to fostering the professional and personal growth of Yinsonites. We offer a wide array of learning resources through Learn@Yinson, our LMS, allowing employees to access content easily. This includes content that is internally developed and external modules in collaboration with LinkedIn Learning and International SOS. The LMS tracks learning progress, issues certificates for compliance and utilises data analytics to recommend content tailored to employees’ interests and career paths. Top performers are rewarded through gamification features. We also support external learning opportunities aligned with employees’ roles and career aspirations, tracked and measured through our Global HRIS. The Yinson Leadership Enhancement and Development programme (“L.E.A.D. Programme”) is Yinson’s leadership and management development initiative, which aims to enhance employees’ leadership skills to boost organisational performance and achieve business goals through effective people management. Since 2020, 133 leaders have completed the programme. Recent achievements • In 2023, 42 leaders from Yinson participated in the L.E.A.D. Programme: Malaysia (13 participants), Singapore (15 participants), Oslo (seven participants), Brazil (seven participants). • 17 Yinsonites participated in middle management training. • Workshops were conducted on ‘Communicating and Leading with Impact’ for LEAPsters and Group Corporate Function employees. • Conducted Group-wide course enrolment to bolster understanding of sustainability and mandatory learning on ESG. • Held a Group-wide webinar on ChatGPT and Generative AI to improve knowledge and awareness, aligning with the company’s IT framework on AI usage. Talent and performance management Yinson’s Succession Planning Strategy ensures continuity in critical positions by identifying potential successors who are mentored for leadership roles. We also explore talent pools to develop necessary competencies. Through ongoing performance management, Yinson prioritises employee health and well-being which creates a supportive work environment. We are committed to nurturing a culture of holistic well-being, which includes mental and physical health, financial security, career advancement and community contributions. Guided by our Future of Work Philosophy, we promote work-life balance, offering choice, flexibility, autonomy, trust and empowerment to employees.