Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

FYE 2024 AT A GLANCE | KEY EVENTS 9 2023 JUNE Received charter contract extension for FSO PTSC Bien Dong 01. 6 Received charter contract extension for FPSO PTSC Lam Son. 30 Hosted investor event, ‘sYnergy 2023: Inclusive Transition’. 14 Partnered with Pos Malaysia to deploy chargEV solutions at Pos Malaysia locations across Peninsular Malaysia. 22 Launched 30 by 30. 14 JULY Secured USD 230 million financing from Global Infrastructure Partners in relation to FPSO Maria Quitéria. 31 Held 30th Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting. 13 AUGUST Entered into collaboration agreement with RRJ Capital to jointly develop energy infrastructure and technology projects globally, including through the provision of USD 300 million in financing. 18 Signed MoU with PLUS Malaysia Berhad to jointly develop DC fast charging hub along the PLUS highway. 23 SEPTEMBER Launched rydeEV Experience Centre. 9 Signed MoU with CelcomDigi to partner in the development of innovative EV services and infrastructure for Malaysian consumers. 19