Yinson Integrated Annual Report 2024

107 SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW | EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES Additionally, the Yinson Production Risk Management Standard, mandates that individuals leading a risk assessment workshop must complete the risk assessment training provided by Corporate HSSEQ. We consider incidents, non-conformities and potential issues crucial for identifying areas for improvement. Through audits, we assess the effectiveness of corrective actions taken, employing key measures such as the ‘timeframe for closure’ and the ‘absence of recurrence of root causes’. Moreover, the Lessons Learned process serves a dual purpose: providing opportunities for improvement by preventing recurring issues and identifying successful practices for future implementation. Prioritising safety throughout our operations Workers and employees are encouraged to report workrelated hazards and dangerous situations. This is in line with the HSSEQ Reporting Standard and Procedure and the Stop Work Policy. We have physical and online platforms that can be accessed via personal devices for our Observation Reporting Procedure. This procedure entails documenting unsafe acts, hazardous conditions, adherence to safety protocols, concerns about employee welfare and other relevant observations made by personnel within our premises, facilities and offices. It serves as a primary channel for the proactive reporting of circumstances that may impact the safety and welfare of personnel, the environment and assets. Our Incident Investigation Standard and related processes provide an effective incident investigation framework which is crucial for identifying contributing factors, analysing root causes and establishing appropriate controls to prevent recurrences. Employees and workers may directly report incidents and near-misses to supervisors, managers and designated local HSSEQ authorities. Investigations will be conducted based on the severity of the incident, with responsibilities assigned to relevant individuals through HSSEQ software applications. Yinson recognises the right of all individuals to stop work at any point where an incident may result in injury, environmental impact or property damage. No actions will be taken against any employee, contractor or visitor who has exercised the right to stop work in good faith. Occupational health services We prioritise occupational health services as they play a critical role in identifying and eliminating workplace hazards while reducing associated risks. We remain committed to our ALARP principle to prevent occupational injuries, strains or illnesses. The Group is guided by our Health and Working Environment policies and procedures in providing occupational health services. We also conduct assessments such as the Chemical Hazard Risk Assessment, Flare Radiation Risk Assessment and Noise & Vibration Study to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of our personnel and the surrounding environment. Additionally, we create awareness by collaborating with external subject matter experts to conduct workshops and risk assessments to mitigate occupational health hazards and implement controls to protect our workforce. Our FPSOs are equipped with medical practitioners certified by relevant authorities and at the same time, we ensure that our project sites comply with government regulations. We work with International SOS to provide comprehensive medical services to employees Group-wide, including global medical evacuation, local monitoring and access to medical facilities for international travellers, and, in the event of a crisis, the triggering of an automated system for welfare checks and escalation. This process is overseen by the Corporate HSSEQ function. To ensure uniformity and quality, the engagement is implemented through a master service agreement. Our expatriate hires who are involved in the International Mobilisation Programme receive medical insurance to ensure access to suitable healthcare facilities in their host nations. Yinson’s Risk Assessment Process includes the following measures: • Assessment: Conducted prior to any routine or nonroutine task carried out individually or by workgroup. • Analysis: Each identified risk undergoes a comprehensive analysis and evaluation using the Yinson Production risk matrix and criteria. • Evaluation: Approval of risk assessments and related control measures requires review and approval from specific line management positions, determined by the classification of residual risk. The signatory is responsible for ensuring that proposed risk controls are suitable and effective in mitigating identified risks to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (“ALARP”) levels. • Treatment: This involves identifying, considering, selecting and implementing the most suitable options for controlling the risk(s) and supporting the development of risk treatment plans. • Monitoring and review: Risk processes are regularly monitored and reviewed at least annually, with documented recording of results, including monitoring and review of realised risks. • Recording and reporting:It is essential to retain risk registers as documented evidence throughout the process.