Yinson Annual Report 2023

6 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 GROUP HIGHLIGHTS ZERO Cases of Code of Conduct breaches ZERO Non-compliances with environmental laws & regulations ZERO LTIF 0.14 TRIF WATER AND EFFLUENTS ZERO hydrocarbon spills 11 ppm average oil in slop water content WASTE 225 tonnes reused, recycled or recovered HEALTH & SAFETY TOTAL GHG EMISSIONS 1.77 million tonnes CO2e ESG HIGHLIGHTS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY RM1.89 million invested 23 communities impacted REGULAR EMPLOYEE GROWTH 8.89% voluntary employee turnover rate 561 new hires 0.02% Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) 2.49% Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) CARBON EMISSIONS BY SCOPE GOVERNANCE CARBON INTENSITY tonnes CO2e/ RM million 281 kg CO2e/MWh 496 kg CO2e/BOE 30 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT EMPLOYEES 1,488 regular employees Male 78.5% Female 21.5% 97.49% Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)