Yinson Annual Report 2023

345 PERFORMANCE DATA CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 FYE 2021 GRI CODE Corporate Social Responsibility Contribution Total contribution RM million 1.89 1.70 1.85 201-1 Charitable donations(1) RM million 1.11 0.87 1.41 % of total costs 58.6 51.0 76.1 Community investments(2) RM million 0.12 0.83 0.44 % of total costs 6.3 49.0 23.9 Cash contributions(3) RM million 0.66 0 0 - % of total costs 34.7 0 0 In-kind giving: product or services donations, projects/partnerships or similar RM 7,029.00 0 0 % of total costs 0.4 0 0 Employee volunteering time during paid working hours Hours 120 NA NA Local Communities Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and/or development programs % 35.0 40.0 33.3 413-1 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities % 0 0 0 413-2 Notes: (1) Charitable donations refer to one-off or occasional support to good causes in response to the needs and appeals of charitable and community organisations, requests from employees, or in reaction to external events such as emergency relief situations. (2) Community investments refers to long-term strategic involvement in, and partnership with, community organisations to address a limited range of social issues chosen by the Company to protect its long-term corporate interests and enhance its reputation. (3) Cash contributions refer to the monetary amount paid by the Company in support of community projects. This can include direct cash contributions and payments for materials and services. SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 FYE 2021 GRI CODE Procurement Practices Proportion of spending on local suppliers by asset and country FPSO John Agyekum Kufuor, Ghana % 69.3 54.1 51.0 204-1 FPSO Abigail-Joseph, Nigeria % 50.6 37.1 62.0 FPSO Adoon, Nigeria % 67.0 64.0 FPSO Helang, Malaysia % 85.0 91.6 71.0 Proportion of local suppliers by asset and country FPSO John Agyekum Kufuor, Ghana % 86.6 84.3 52.0 - FPSO Abigail-Joseph, Nigeria % 59.4 40.8 37.0 FPSO Adoon, Nigeria % 73.0 65.0 FPSO Helang, Malaysia % 90.1 87.6 54.0 PERFORMANCE DATA