Yinson Annual Report 2023

343 PERFORMANCE DATA PEOPLE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 GRI CODE MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE Employment Parental leave Number of employees returning to work after parental leave Persons 32 NA 401-3 Employee returning to work retention rate % of total employees taking parental leave 100 NA Training and Education Average hours of training per year per employee Hours 153 80 404-1 Total learning hours Hours 226,987 55,100 Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews % 100 100 404-3 Gender Diversity & Equal Remuneration Women in workforce % of total regular employees 21.5 21.9 405-1 Persons 320 211 Women in senior management % of total top management positions 9.1 9.1 Persons 1 1 Women on board of directors/ supervisory board % of total board of directors/ supervisory board 36.4 36.4 Persons 4 4 Collective Bargaining Agreement Percentage of total employees covered by an independent trade union or collective bargaining agreements(3) % 12.9 5.6(4) 2-30 Employee Engagement Employee engagement result % N/A(5) 64 - Employee responded to survey % N/A(5) 91 Notes: (1) Data presented for this category is defined as full-time equivalent (FTE). (2) Part-time employees are defined as those whose full-time equivalent (FTE) is less than 1. (3) Percentage of total regular employees covered by an independent trade union or collective bargaining agreements refers to percentage of total employees being covered under such considerations within the organisation. (4) In FYE 2022, Yinson reported that 54% of total employees are covered by an independent trade union or collective bargaining agreement. During a subsequent internal data review, the figure was adjusted to 5.6%. This adjustment aimed to provide a more accurate reflection of unionization across the entire organisation rather than focusing on a specific region. (5) A variety of focus group engagements with the Senior Management were held throughout FYE 2023 to discuss the outcomes and areas of improvement of the engagement survey, culminating in the strategy to move away from once-a-year employee engagement surveys to a more agile, real-time temperature check across the business. To achieve this, Yinson is implementing an easy-to-use, data-driven online pulse and temperature check tool by the end of 2023. Refer to Human Capital Development, page 101 for more information. PERFORMANCE DATA