Yinson Annual Report 2023

341 PERFORMANCE DATA PEOPLE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 GRI CODE MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE Activities and Workers Total regular employees by age group <30 years % of total regular employees 13.2 13.5 405-1 Persons 138 58 89 41 30 - 50 years % of total regular employees 71.2 68.5 Persons 830 230 515 145 >50 years % of total regular employees 15.6 18.0 Persons 200 32 148 25 Total regular employee by nationality Brazilian % of total regular employees 10.3 NA 405-1 British % of total regular employees 1.1 NA Dutch % of total regular employees 0.5 NA Ghanaian % of total regular employees 9.2 NA Indian % of total regular employees 10.8 NA Malaysian % of total regular employees 30.2 NA Nigerian % of total regular employees 0.9 NA Norwegian % of total regular employees 4.2 NA Singaporean % of total regular employees 11.0 NA Others % of total regular employees 21.7 NA Employment New employee hires New employees Persons 561 295 401-1 Persons 414 147 230 65 New hire rate % of total regular employees 37.7 30.6 New employees by region Asia Persons 297 96 207 56 Europe Persons 8 11 9 2 Americas Persons 96 37 1 4 Africa Persons 13 3 13 3 PERFORMANCE DATA