Yinson Annual Report 2023

340 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 FYE 2021 GRI CODE Strategy, Policies and Practices Compliance with laws and regulations Total monetary value for non-compliance with laws and regulations RM 0 0 0 Corruption and bribery RM 0 0 0 2-27 Social and community RM 0 0 0 Environment, occupational health & safety RM 0 0 0 Human rights RM 0 0 0 Notes: (1) Total regular employees only (permanent + fixed term) communicated with ABAC policies and procedures. PEOPLE PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 GRI CODE MALE FEMALE MALE FEMALE Activities and Workers Total employee: Permanent and Fixed Term Employment + Contingent Workers Persons 1,792 1,393 - Persons 1,458 334 1,161 232 Total regular employee: Permanent and Fixed Term Employment Persons 1,488 963 2-7 Persons 1,168 320 752 211 Regular employees by region Asia Persons 878 232 566 167 Europe Persons 63 26 65 18 Africa Persons 130 24 118 20 Americas Persons 97 38 3 6 Total regular employee by employment type(1) Full-time Persons 1168 319 752 210 Part-time(2) Persons 0 1 0 1 Contractor: Contingent Workers Persons 304 430 2-8 Persons 290 14 409 21 Contractors by region Asia Persons 157 8 210 14 Europe Persons 3 4 8 5 Africa Persons 129 0 179 0 Americas Persons 1 2 12 2 PERFORMANCE DATA