Yinson Annual Report 2023

336 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD | INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2023 FYE 2022 FYE 2021 GRI CODE Water and Effluents Water consumption Total fresh water consumption Megalitres 12.1 10.9 5.9 303-5 Water discharge Total water discharged Megalitres 2,894.6 2,494.7 7,153.2 303-4 Discharged produced water Megalitres 641.3 493.5(5) NA Slop water Megalitres 2,253.3 2,001.1(5) NA Quality of water discharge to surface water(6) Average oil in produced water content ppm 11.2 ≤30 ≤30 - Average oil in slop water content ppm 11.3 ≤15 ≤15 Uncontrolled releases/spills Hydrocarbon spills Cases 0 1 0 - Total volume of hydrocarbon spills Litres 0 160.6 0 Waste Waste generated Total waste generation tonnes 494.9 617.0 588.0 306-3 Waste diverted from disposal Total waste reused, recycled or recovered tonnes 225.0 154.2 130.6 306-4 Waste directed to disposal Total waste disposed tonnes 269.9 462.8 457.4 306-5 Hazardous waste tonnes 131.5 97.6 68.4 Yinson Production tonnes 66.5 97.6 68.4 Regulus Offshore tonnes 64.9 NA NA Non-hazardous waste tonnes 138.4 365.2 389.0 Yinson Production tonnes 130.2 298.7 333.1 Regulus Offshore tonnes 8.2 66.6 55.9 Notes: (1) The intensity metric accounts for Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3: Category 13 with the total electricity generation from YP and YR as the denominator. (2) The intensity metric accounts for Scope 3: Category 13 with YP’s offshore production value (BOE) as the denominator. (3) Total direct GHG emissions include only emissions from OSV operations. (4) Total indirect GHG emissions include emissions from purchased electricity from our offices. (5) A data discrepancy in the FYE 2022 water discharge figures occurred due to an error in consolidation, which has been rectified. This error does not affect the total water discharged in FYE 2022. (6) The metric considers YP-operated assets. * Values are independently verified by an external party. Verification and assurance statements are available at https://www.yinson.com/our-climate-goals/ PERFORMANCE DATA