Yinson Annual Report 2022

94 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD STRATEGY & OUTLOOK PEOPLE REVIEW STRATEGIC RESPONSE TO OUR RISKS & OPPORTUNITIES The digitalisation agenda We are expanding rapidly into new territories and business areas. As we scale up, we realise that it is crucial to standardise and streamline practices and systems across the Group. We are currently leveraging on technology as an enabler to bridge this gap. Digitalisation will help us to redefine the tools we use and unify core employee information and processes under one platform. Digital enablers such as digital cloud, collaboration platform, cybersecurity tools, and data science and analytics can provide us with simplified yet insightful information that will help us make quick and accurate decisions. These will improve our processes tremendously, increase productivity while lowering costs, and avoid time and resource wastages. The digitalisation agenda we are introducing will take time to materialise. Nonetheless, we are excited about the prospects, as we believe digitalisation will provide valuable insights into our people analytics, which will in turn help us drive better results in every focus area including recruitment, performance management, rewards & recognition and learning & development. We believe that this new, modernising experience can propel Yinson forward in our goal to be an employer of choice. As these digitalisation tools are rolled out, we are committed to providing the necessary training so that our people will be able to maximise the value that can be gained from them. The wellbeing of our people The pandemic reminded us that the health & safety of our employees must and will continue to be our priority. We have developed policies and systems to always ensure our people stay protected from work-related injuries and diseases that would have a detrimental impact on our global operations. We want to create a working environment where our people can feel safe, happy and free from the worries of healthassociated risks. We believe when the wellbeing of our employees and their families is valued and taken care of, our people will take comfort knowing they are in good hands, thus enabling them to deliver their best work. We are pleased that despite the pandemic and many disruptions to their ways of working, our employees were able to deliver consistent results just like in the years before. Great effort was taken during the periods of remote working to actively reach out to our people through frequent engagements, ensuring mental wellness sustenance – keeping emotional distress and online fatigue at bay. We believe that work-life balance is integral to maintaining the high levels of work performance. Our aim is to create a work environment that allows our people to balance between personal and professional priorities, in order to bring out the best outcomes for both, without compromising on either. Setting the right balance is important to maintain mental health, keeping employees motivated to deliver results. To do this, the Group needs to reemphasise on better, stronger engagement programmes, constantly checking on employee mental wellbeing and demonstrating care and empathy. Talent acquisition As mentioned in the Labour Market Review above, there is a global labour shortage, and the oil & gas industry has intrinsic challenges in finding the right talent with the suitable competencies. As a project management company with a lean team across all our business divisions, Yinson is not spared from the hiring conundrum. However, we believe we have an edge over our competition. Over the years, Yinson has solidified our leadership position in ESG and sustainability, allowing us to build a strong employer brand as a company that cares about the environment, our people and our communities. Our leadership position was gradually established as we took firm actions on the ESG front, such as the setting of DEI, COBE and sustainability frameworks and policies, disclosing our ESG performance, implementation of our Zero Emissions FPSO concept and much more. These actions are not for optics but truly demonstrate our efforts to build an organisation with strong work ethics and a positive culture. These values will distinguish us from the rest as we seek like-minded people to join us.