Yinson Annual Report 2022

88 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD STRATEGY & OUTLOOK Local workforce Yinson is committed to developing local talent and employees in all our areas of operations. We strive to go beyond contractual commitments or legal obligation by ensuring we provide first option of employment to the indigenous people in our areas of operation. In locations where local talent may not meet our competence criteria, we have put in place a well-structured training, succession planning, learning and development for local successors for future localisation of roles filled by expatriates. CREW COMPOSITION on the assets that Yinson operates Internship & graduate programmes Yinson ran management trainee and internship programmes in Ghana, Malaysia, Singapore and Norway as part of our talent attraction strategy and commitment to build the local workforce and the next line of leadership within Yinson. A total of 31 young people underwent the programmes in 2021. Our internship and graduate programmes aim to increase our employee value proposition by helping young people gain insights into the industry and provide a solid foundation to jumpstart their careers. We also endeavour to make the programmes fun and value-adding, making them feel a part of the Yinson family. Our League of Extraordinary Apprentices Programme (“L.E.A.P.”) is an accelerated career programme designed to fast-track young people to become future business leaders. Our first LEAPster completed the programme in April 2022 and was offered a permanent role in our headquarters. Five young people were selected to join our second intake and are currently undergoing rotations within the various participating departments. Our third intake will be expanded to Singapore and will include the ALM Department and Yinson GreenTech as new learning faculties for our management trainees. At the time of writing, applications are being received for the third intake, and we hope to more than double the previous intake. As part of our ongoing learning & development focus and to integrate our talent management efforts consistently across the Group, we are working to raise the capacity and capability of our country offices to participate in L.E.A.P. This ensures that our high learning & development standards are consistent in all our key locations, which in turn helps to grow future leaders, build succession plans, encourage knowledge acquisition and achieve good employee retention within our business. Ongoing effort were made to enhance L.E.A.P. to keep our management trainees’ experience relevant and engaging. The enhancement will include more focused rotations in accordance to our LEAPsters’ career interests and inclusion of value-adding training modules. Employees hired from local community at Yinson offices Yinson office Employees hired from local community Brazil 88.9% Ghana 100% India 100% Malaysia 97.6% Nigeria 100% Norway 69.5% Singapore 48.3% The Netherlands 57% United Kingdom 75% Note: Figures exclude international offshore crew and Yinson’s Board. Driving local impact, pg 47 Scan this QR code for more information on L.E.A.P. Our Oslo office launched its inaugural summer internship programme in 2021. The programme received over 400 applications, with six selected for the internship where they learned through real-time projects matching their skills and interest. The programme was a tremendous success, with five interns eventually offered various positions within Yinson Oslo. Applications for our second intake is now under review and successfully shortlisted candidates will begin their 3-month programme in the summer. FPSO JAK 28% 72% FPSO ADOON 16% 84% Non-locals Locals FPSO ABIGAIL-JOSEPH 29% 71% FPSO HELANG 5% 95% PEOPLE REVIEW