Yinson Annual Report 2022

87 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 STRATEGY & OUTLOOK Talent acquisition & development In line with the rapid growth of our business divisions, our Yinson family continued to experience a healthy expansion of 33.4% or 241 new employees in FYE 2022 with Malaysia accounting for the highest number of new employees. Our strong employer positioning visibility through avenues such as our corporate website contributed to this increase. We also believed our leadership position on topics such as on DEI, sustainability, and HLR have added value to our brand proposition. We are committed to continuously improve on our policies and work practices in order to stay relevant with employee concerns, such as the hybrid work model. *Brazil, The Netherlands, United Kingdom & Nigeria combined. Note: The FYE 2021 headcount figures in this graph differ from those reported in Yinson’s Annual Report 2021 due to a tabulation error, which has been rectified. Scan this QR code to visit Yinson’s LinkedIn page. We also sponsor and participate in student engagement activities to raise awareness of our company and our career opportunities. These include: • ‘Demystifying Sustainability: The Future for Yinson & You’, a webinar featuring our Group Chief Strategy Officer and Group HR Director on how the Group achieves sustainable growth through business strategies and human capital development, as part of our sponsorship with Malaysians of Melbourne University. • ‘Accelerate Change for a Greener Future’, a webinar featuring Yinson GreenTech in partnership with Malaysians of Melbourne University. headcount by country One of the channels through which we communicate our employee proposition is our corporate LinkedIn page, where we feature posts that highlight our work culture, Core Values, career opportunities and fun activities. Besides connecting with prospective candidates, we also provide a glimpse of our people walking the talk. • Our internship and management trainee programmes were also highlighted in our booths at various industry events. We prioritised internal recruitment for new positions before opening up to external candidates as part of our commitment to upskilling our people and providing career development opportunities. This practice was applied, for example, when recruiting for our recent FPSO project awards, and will continue to be applied moving forward as Yinson heads into a season of growth ahead. We have been able to maintain a healthy attrition rate of 9.26% that is in line with industry standards. However, for us to be adaptable and ensure business continuity while avoiding unforeseen gaps which may be created by unplanned attrition rates, we established our Succession Planning Strategy in 2021. The strategy aims to ensure that all critical positions, including Senior Management positions, are well documented with a structured succession plan in place to foster knowledge retention and business continuity. The strategy also ensures that all critically evaluated positions have identified potential successors who are actively mentored to take on future leadership roles. The strategy was approved by the Board in June 2021. 400 300 200 100 0 Ghana India Malaysia Norway Singapore Offshore Crew Internationals Others* 113 124 37 63 161 297 64 72 183 209 140 164 24 34 FYE 2021 FYE 2022 PEOPLE REVIEW