Yinson Annual Report 2022

85 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 STRATEGY & OUTLOOK Nationalities represented across Yinson’s onshore offices 7% Norwegian 41% Malaysian 13% Others 15% Ghanaian 11% Indian 13% Singaporean Employee Engagement Survey Our yearly Employee Engagement Survey (“EES”) is one of our most important annual engagements with our most valuable stakeholder group – our employees. We worked with an independent company to gather meaningful feedback on how we are doing in terms of people, organisation practices, work processes and communication, amongst others. Group-level action plans are developed and implemented based on the survey. In FYE 2021, the survey identified focus areas as Talent & Staffing, Performance Management, Rewards & Recognition, Brand and Work-Life Balance. Our progress in these areas is highlighted below and further elaborated in this commentary. • Ramped up headcount resources by 33.4%. • Prioritised internal recruitment and local workforce for career opportunities. • Implemented Succession Planning Strategy. • Enhanced and expanded management trainee and internship programmes. • Rolled out student engagement initiatives. • Maintained healthy attrition rate. • Defined Reward Principals as part of our Total Strategy Rewards Project. • On track to launch and implement Future Reward Framework in 2022, including Job Family/Job Role Framework. • Launched 'badge of recognition' feature on our Global HRIS and recognised Top Learners. • Awarded 24 long service awards. • Revised Group Travel & Expenses Policy. • Provided remote working allowance. • Provided further grant of our Employee Share Option Scheme. • Launched new approach to performance management with a new module on Global HRIS. • Utilised data analytics from LMS to help employees achieve performance goals. • Embarked on job role learning pathways. • Expanded L.E.A.D. leadership programme. • Launched revised Group Learning & Development Policy & Procedure. • Introduced Educational Sponsorship Programme. Focus area #1 TALENT & STAFFING Focus area #2 REWARDS & RECOGNITION Focus area #4 BRANDING Focus area #3 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Focus area #5 WORK-LIFE BALANCE • Refreshed Yinson’s Culture & Value Workshops and rolled out across the Group. • Launched our Global HRIS Employee Central module. • Quarterly and special Group-wide town halls held regularly throughout the year. • Continual digitalisation of workflow processes across the company. • Team building activities across the Group. • Launched Health & Wellbeing page on YNet. • Launched Future of Work Philosophy. • Introduced Time Off In Lieu and Travel Compensation days. • Launched Sports & Social Clubs in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Oslo. • Launched gym memberships in country offices. PEOPLE REVIEW