Yinson Annual Report 2022

83 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 STRATEGY & OUTLOOK PEOPLE REVIEW EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT 64% overall engagement score. Remained consistent with FYE 2021. Target: 70% 91% employees responded to the survey. Health & wellbeing Launch of Yinson Future of Work Philosophy. Introduced Time Off in Lieu and Travel Compensation days. Launched Sports & Social Clubs in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Oslo. LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT 100% employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews. 55,100 learning hours from April 2021 to February 2022. 80 average learning hours per employee from April 2021 to February 2022. internship and graduate programmes Ghana: 16 interns Norway: 6 interns Singapore: 2 interns Malaysia: 6 management trainees, 1 intern HUMAN RIGHTS 0 number of incidents of discrimination. 0 number of violations involving the rights of indigenous people. policIes and platforms Launched Global HRIS to unify HR information for all offices globally. Enhanced policies and frameworks on succession planning, travel & expenses and learning & development. THE LABOUR MARKET The world has experienced dramatic changes over the past year. The way we live, work and interact has altered significantly. The sudden imposition of movement restrictions in many countries saw businesses scrambling to adapt to new, virtual ways of working, leapfrogging the development of digital collaboration platforms and productivity tools years ahead of its time. Companies around the globe have tried to determine the work arrangements that would suit their workforce’s rapidly evolving lifestyle best while endeavouring to maintain business continuity. We are seeing a shift in workforce dynamics with employees now leaving companies if flexible working arrangements are not provided or if the working environment is impacting their own health & wellbeing. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reported that there are 20 million less people working now with a slow rebound predicted. In the USA alone, a staggering 4.5 million Americans left their jobs in November 2021. These historic labour shortages are further complicated by disproportionate diversity and inclusion issues. Over in the oil & gas industry, attracting skilled labours has not been easy. The industry has had a history of cyclical recruitment and retrenchment, which has affected the industry’s attractiveness to potential employees. The worldwide labour shortage caused by the pandemic further exacerbates the situation. In addition, the younger workforce is increasingly attracted to companies which display strong environmental leadership and are turning away from companies that do not have net zero strategies, further fueling the talent shortage. YEAR IN REVIEW Covid-19 update As the pandemic entered its second year, our people’s wellbeing continued to be a priority. Similar to the year before, strict Standard Operating Procedures (“SOPs”) were put in place and ongoing awareness and engagement campaigns were held. While our people were encouraged to be vaccinated, we also respected and did not discriminate those who chose not to be inoculated. The Group continued to monitor the number of Covid-19 cases, allowing work from home arrangements. We also provided RTK test kits and allowed employees to claim back costs for PCR tests. Appropriate measures were taken for our offshore crew, elaborated in detail by my colleagues Flemming and CW. For FYE 2022, we reported minimal outbreaks and there was no need for operation shutdown. HSE performance, pg 99; Business Review - Offshore Production, pg 104; Business Review - Offshore Marine & Malaysia Operations, pg 119; Operational health & safety, pg 153 I would like to take this moment to appreciate everyone who played their part in observing the SOPs, and acknowledge the tremendous amount of work undertaken by our global HR team and our HSEQ committee members in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our people.