Yinson Annual Report 2022

72 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD STRATEGY & OUTLOOK On 14 October 2021 Yinson received the ISO 37001 certification from international certification body Bureau Veritas, in recognition of our robust ABMS. The certification audit, which was undertaken by Yinson’s Global Headquarters in Malaysia and Projects Headquarters in Singapore, concluded with five noteworthy items and zero non-conformities. In its audit report, Bureau Veritas also noted Yinson’s strong commitment to continual improvement of its ABMS, clear internal communications, good whistleblowing mechanisms and comprehensive ABAC due diligence processes for external parties. CORPORATE COMPLIANCE HIGHLIGHT Yinson is amongst the first oil & gas companies in Malaysia to be certified ISO 37001 by Bureau Veritas. Bureau Veritas is one of the world’s leading certification bodies, serving over 150 countries from over 90 countries of operation. Yinson attains global ABMS certification from Bureau Veritas In delving into our successful ISO 37001 certification, we have taken a three-pronged approach in our ABAC implementation, aligning to our corporate compliance strategy. To embed compliance extensively and sustainably throughout the Group Promote deeper integration of compliance into our business process Continuously optimise our training methodology Expand targeted communications 1 2 3 Firstly, in promoting deeper integration of ABAC Compliance into our business operations, we have taken the initial step in establishing a robust set of ABAC Policy and Manual which are in line with the specific ISO 37001 requirements. Specific enhancements relating to bribery risk assessments, due diligence screening processes, whistleblowing reporting and ABAC internal audit processes were put in place and operationalised in the relevant business processes. These Group-level policies and documents were standardised and documented in accordance to our Corporate Information Management System (“CIMS”) procedure and subsequently centralised on an Electronic Document Management System (“EDMS”) in September 2021. Secondly, we have continuously optimised our training methodology as part of the corporate compliance mission statement. Leveraging on the Group-wide initiative on the online training platform in February 2021, the Corporate Compliance function improved on its training medium to ensure that learners are well engaged and will benefit from its flexibility to complete the training in their own time within the deadline. In additional to mandatory ABAC training, other specific roles which have extensive interactions with external stakeholders will have additional training modules availed to them. The Corporate Compliance function will continue to focus on improving the delivery of the training content to ensure that all employees are aware of our ethical commitment and conduct themselves according to our values. Thirdly, we have adopted a targeted communication approach in raising the awareness level through internal and external communication on matters relating to our ABAC Framework. In addition to communication from Senior Management to employees via various channels such as emails and YNet, compliance representatives are assigned in the local offices in which Yinson operates. Quarterly compliance meetings are held with representatives to ensure local implementation and compliance communications are disseminated throughout the Group. In addition to enhancing the internal controls as part of the ISO 37001 certification, Yinson has also noted the key findings from Transparency International’s 2021 CPI report and further strengthened our due diligence processes. This includes, but is not limited to, rigorous review and approval of donations and sponsorships relating to Covid-19 relief in the countries that Yinson operates in to ensure that the contributions are not camouflaged or misused. Yinson’s CSR Committee reviews all donation or sponsorship proposals and only recommends approval after it has undergone the necessary due diligence screening process. We strictly adhere to our ABAC Policy, which does not allow company funds to be used to support government political campaigns. CORPORATE COMPLIANCE REVIEW ABMS-2021-03