Yinson Annual Report 2022

63 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 STRATEGY & OUTLOOK FINANCIAL REVIEW GROUP PAT & EBITDA (CONT’D.) EBITDA (RM’ MILLION) FYE 2022 1,402 FYE 2021 1,236 FYE 2020 770 FYE 2019 801 650 FYE 2018 FYE 2022 FYE 2021 FYE 2020 FYE 2019 77.4 FYE 2018 71.4 EBITDA Margin (%) 38.9 25.5 30.6 Return on Equity (%) FYE 2022 11.1 FYE 2021 10.2 FYE 2020 6.9 FYE 2019 7.3 11.1 FYE 2018 Return on equity represents the percentage of investor dollars that have been converted into earnings. The return on equity ratio increased to 11.1% in FYE 2022 from 10.2% in the previous financial year, showing how efficiently the Group is allocating and utilising its capital to generate income. We are tightly monitoring these ratios in order to ensure that we maintain this healthy profitability growth in the future. These ratio improvements confirm our strong profitable growth. Despite significant challenges in the global economic environment and supply chain in FYE 2022 due to the pandemic, we are pleased that the Group’s profitability benchmark indicators continued to grow in FYE 2022. The Group’s EBITDA was RM1,402 million and PAT was RM524 million, which were 13.5% and 27.2% higher than the previous financial year respectively – our best performance yet. Our healthy profitability is even more noteworthy when considered against the one-off exceptional cost incurred in FYE 2022 arising from a fair value loss on other investments of RM29 million, and the increase in our finance costs of RM69 million. The higher finance costs supported our increased investments into our Offshore Production and Renewables segments, in line with our business plans. GROUP RETURN ON EQUITY