Yinson Annual Report 2022

46 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD STRATEGY & OUTLOOK GROUP CEO REVIEW Scan this QR code to watch a video on the Yinson-Scout DI collaboration Scan this QR code to watch a video on the Yinson’s collaboration with Wilhelmsen on 3D printing spare parts Collection of high-quality data for ensuring structural integrity in confined spaces is considered an area of high risk to our workers’ health and safety. Introducing drone-assisted technology for performing closeup inspections and collecting high quality data reduces the need for crew to physically enter hazardous areas such as confined spaces. Combining technology and competence development of offshore personnel will provide more flexibility of data capturing while reducing carbon footprint and cost. Current deployment Upon successfully partnering a start-up company in utilising drone-assisted technology, we are working together towards a more safe, efficient, and sustainable way of performing enclosed space inspections offshore to collect high resolution quality data. Yinson has successfully deployed our first two asset-owned drones onboard FPSO Anna Nery, which will play a crucial role in optimising the asset’s lifecycle. Advantages • Reduced exposure and risk related to health and safety of personnel. • Improved efficiency and flexibility to perform enclosed space inspections. • Reduction of carbon footprint. • Reduced downtime requirements for enclosed space inspections. • Reduced cost by avoiding scaffolding, climbers and rescue teams. • Upskilling offshore personnel to pilot the drones. • Ability to collect high resolution quality data and situational awareness in data capturing. • Improved asset integrity control. Traditional manufacturing processes of spare parts for our assets are becoming unsustainable due to high emissions and energy consumption as well as obsolescence risk, long lead time and logistics challenges, which introduces larger warehouse requirements and up-front spare part investments. 3D printing introduces a more sustainable way of manufacturing, which enables on-demand production with a low carbon footprint. The technology closes the gaps in our supply chain processes, providing us immediate access to obsolete spare parts, reduction of lead-time and improving parts performance. Current deployment Yinson has established 3D printing as part of our supply chain processes, where already categorised and standardised available parts have been included in the supply chain system, and 3D printing on demand enables access to obsolete spare parts. On demand printing of parts in collaboration with forward leaning original equipment manufacturers has been incorporated through an established 3D printing ecosystem. Along with other parties, Yinson has, as an end-user in an established ecosystem, embarked on a project where upcycled metal material from out-of-service spare parts are broken down to produce raw materials and manufactured into functional 3D printed valves. Yinson’s role in the project is to set up the application requirements, inspection and testing requirements as well as acceptance criteria. The circular economy is leading the way for the maritime and offshore industry. Advantages • Reduced lead time with access to on-demand 3D printing. • Reduced carbon footprint where parts can be printed locally. • Reduced need for warehouse capacity and upfront spare parts investment. • Recycling and reusing of spare materials for upcycling as part of the circular economy. • Improved parts performance. Drone-assisted technology for unmanned asset inspection 3D printing to improve our supply chain process