Yinson Annual Report 2022

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES & INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTION EVENT YINSON’S PARTICIPATION Africa Oil Week 2021 9 – 11 November 2021 Participated as an exhibitor where we met and connected with like-minded business partners, investors and key stakeholders to discuss on the opportunities, trends, challenges and sustainability-related matters for the oil & gas industry in the African continent. The Talent Market #Reshuffle: Lead Roundtable 23 November 2021 Louisa Brady, Group HR Director was invited the be part of a panel, together with other HR leaders, to share her thoughts on the Malaysian talent market. The event was hosted by LinkedIn Malaysia and attended by HR professionals. Bursa Malaysia’s Opportunities Series 29 November 2021 Lim Chern Yuan and Director of Group CEO Office, Chai Jia Jun, discussed on the topic, ‘Rising Beyond: A Global Energy Infrastructure & Technology Company’, sharing how Yinson has been driving sustainability in our offshore production business, our rapid expansion into renewables and green technologies, and our commitment to accelerate the transition to a net zero world. CGS-CIMB Thoughts Leadership Series 20 January 2022 Lim Chern Yuan was invited as a guest speaker and shared Yinson’s growth story and how the company transformed into one of the largest independent FPSO operators worldwide. He also expounded on the Group’s sustainability initiatives and transformation. 101 Sustainability Awareness 3 March 2022 Dato’ Mohamed Sabri Zain, Chief Executive Officer of Yinson Energy and Alex Gwee Aik Seng, Head of Group Governance, Risk & Sustainability were invited to the 101 Sustainability Awareness event, where they shared on Yinson’s sustainability roadmap, how we leverage on our position as a leader in ESG and our journey to achieve net zero by 2050. 342 attendees comprised of Petronas and its vendors attended the virtual session. Brent Crude Oil Outlook: How high can it go? 14 March 2022 Lim Chern Yuan joined as a panellist and provided his thoughts and insights on the outlook of the energy industry as a top tier FPSO contractor. The event was hosted by Rakuten Trade and attended by retail traders. Offshore Technology Conference Asia 2022 22 – 25 March 2022 • Dr Aya Kusumawardhani presented a paper titled, ‘Sustainable Lifecycle Cost Efficiency Model’ that was written together with Magnus Soon Arnhus, from the ALM team. The paper explained how sustainability factors are considered in the lifecycle cost of oil & gas facilities. • Suresh Venkatesh, from Yinson Production presented a technical paper titled, ‘The Journey Towards a Net Zero Emission Future’. In his paper, he highlighted several emission reduction measures for achieving the climate goals. The key takeaway is that the energy sector has enormous potential, and we aim to actively contribute to the strengthening of the new global energy infrastructure and ecosystem as it evolves. Nor-Shipping 2022 4 – 7 April 2022 Participated as a co-exhibitor with our strategic partner, Shift, to demonstrate our latest innovative solution for electric vessels with revolutionary technologies such as advanced hydrofoil technology and swappable marine batteries. We also showcased 3D printed parts, which are widely used in the circular economy as a way forward in reducing carbon footprint. Singapore Maritime Week 2022 4 – 8 April 2022 Participated as Bronze Sponsor, providing the latest updates on our Hydroglyder. Global Data Privacy, Cybersecurity & GRC ConfEx 12 April 2022 Rishi Ganiswaran, Senior Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer was invited as a guest speaker to provide his thoughts and views on the impact of European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation on businesses around the globe and how Yinson navigates through the changing global privacy landscape. Marine & Offshore Congress 2022 26 April 2022 Srinivas Tati, Vice President Business Development, Yinson GreenTech presented a paper on ‘Technology Adaption for Enhanced Efficiency in Short Sea Shipping’. In his presentation, he shared the importance of an entire supply chain ecosystem to support the growth opportunities for electric harbour craft vessels in Singapore. Yinson GreenTech was Diamond Sponsor for the event. 39 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 OVERVIEW