Yinson Annual Report 2022

STRATEGIC ALLIANCES & INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTION Throughout the years, Yinson has formed strategic alliances with public and private bodies, to share ideas towards tackling some of the world’s pressing and emerging issues. It is through these alliances with like-minded organisations that we are able to leverage our respective expertise and resources to expand our collective influence, bringing powerful solutions for greater impact and value creation. Below are some key examples of the alliances that we have been part of. STRATEGIC ALLIANCE YINSON’S CONTRIBUTION Yinson joined the CEO Action Network (CAN) in 2021, supporting their collective commitment to climate action and social stewardship. As a CAN member, we are actively working to facilitate sharing of knowledge and best practices, toward establishing collective commitment and actions to drive sustainable development in Malaysia. The CEO Action Network is a closed-door peer-to-peer informal network of CEOs of leading Malaysian businesses. It is a coalition of leaders with a purpose, focused on sustainability advocacy, capacity building, action and performance. Yinson is a member of the Business Council of Sustainable Development (BCSD) Malaysia and supports their objectives to raise awareness, share knowledge and build capacity; advocate the case for sustainability as a business opportunity; bring a collective business voice to engage with policymakers and regulatory authorities; initiate projects and programmes in collaboration with stakeholders in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. BCSD is a CEO-led, action-oriented, collaboration and advocacy platform. They convene their members and stakeholders in a safe pre-competitive collaborative space to develop tools, methodologies and to share best practices. They provide support to members to embed sustainability into core business strategies and operations to create a competitive advantage. Yinson has been a supporter of the TCFD since August 2021. We are aligned with their belief that better disclosure of information will allow companies to better incorporate climate-related risks and opportunities into risk management and strategic planning processes. The Financial Stability Board established the TCFD to develop recommendations for more effective climate-related disclosures that could promote more informed investment, credit, and insurance underwriting decisions and, in turn, enable stakeholders to better understand the concentrations of carbon-related assets in the financial sector and the financial system’s exposures to climate-related risks. Yinson is an active member of RenewableUK since 2020 and is one of the organisation’s directors. We concur with RenewableUK’s vision to maximise opportunities to accelerate the renewables sector in the UK by taking proactive steps to ensure that the increasing amounts of renewable electricity are sufficient for both internal markets within the UK and for global export. RenewableUK is the trade association for wind power, wave power and tidal power industries in the UK. RenewableUK has over 660 corporate members, from wind, wave and tidal stream power generation and associated industries. Yinson has been an active member of Norwegian Energy Partners (NORWEP) since 2021. Since joining, we have been invited to share our industry knowledge and expertise in various webinar sessions to contribute to the promotion of the Norwegian energy industry. NORWEP supports the internationalisation of the Norwegian energy industry. The organisation acts as a catalyst for processes between the Norwegian energy industry and international businesses and governments and is founded on a shared intention of achieving synergies through focused efforts, coordination and managing activities and efforts. 37 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 OVERVIEW