Yinson Annual Report 2022

346 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD ACCOUNTABILITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONT’D) For the financial year ended 31 January 2022 45. Summary of effects of acquisition and re-organisation of companies (continued) 2022 (continued) During the financial year, the Group had completed the internal re-organisation for the following companies of which there were no consequential financial effects to the Group: (continued) (xiii) On 28 December 2021, the Company completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Yinson Clover Ltd (“YCL”) from Yinson Acacia Ltd, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for a consideration of USD1. YCL became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (xiv) On 29 December 2021, the Company completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Knock Allan Pte. Ltd. (“KAPL”) comprising 30,000,001 ordinary shares and 59,999,999 preference shares from Allan AS, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for a consideration of USD6,800,000. KAPL became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (xv) On 29 December 2021, Yinson Production AS (“YPAS”), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, reduced its paid-up capital by NOK105,900,000 via reduction of par value on the YPAS’s single share from NOK105,930,000 to NOK30,000 for a cash consideration of USD11,983,840. As a result, YPAS remains as an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (xvi) On 27 January 2022, YR Santa Giusta Solar Pte. Ltd., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Santa Giusta Solar S.R.L. (“SGSSRL”) from Paceco Solar S.R.L., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for a consideration of EUR610,000. SGSSRL remains as an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. 2021 (a) Internal re-organisation of companies During the financial year, the Group had completed the internal re-organisation for the following companies of which there were no consequential financial effects to the Group: (i) On 7 February 2020, Yinson Production Offshore Pte. Ltd., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Yinson Production Pte. Ltd. (“YPPL”) from Yinson Production Limited, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for a consideration of USD6,203,496. YPPL remains as an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (ii) On 28 April 2020, Yinson Production Offshore Pte. Ltd., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Yinson Production Capital Pte. Ltd. (formerly known as Yinson Malva Production Pte. Ltd.) (“YPCPL”) from Yinson Acacia Ltd, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for a consideration of USD1,000. YPCPL remains as an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (iii) On 3 August 2020, Yinson Production Capital Pte. Ltd. (formerly known as Yinson Malva Production Pte. Ltd.), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Yinson Trillium Limited (“YTL”) from the Company for a consideration of USD145,330,001. YTL remains as an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. (iv) On 17 August 2020, Yinson Boronia Servicos De Operacao LTDA (“YBSDO”), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, increased the issued and paid-up capital from R$1,645,176 to R$9,803,118 by an allotment of 1,359,657 new ordinary shares at an issue price of R$6 each totalling to an amount of R$8,157,942, with 1,350,146 and 9,511 new ordinary shares being subscribed by Yinson Boronia Production B.V. (“YBPBV”) and Yinson Boronia Holdings (S) Pte. Ltd. (“YBH(S)PL”) respectively. As a result, YBPBV and YBH(S)PL own 99.35% and 0.65% equity interest in YBSDO respectively. (v) On 10 September 2020, Yinson Global Corporation (HK) Limited, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, completed the acquisition of 100% equity interest in Yinson International Pte. Ltd. (“YIPL”) from Yinson Production Offshore Pte. Ltd., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company for a consideration of USD20,000,000. YIPL remains as an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.