Yinson Annual Report 2022

293 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ACCOUNTABILITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONT’D) For the financial year ended 31 January 2022 Name of subsidiaries Countries of incorporation Proportion (%) of ownership interest Principal activities 2022 2021 Held through YR Messinello Wind Pte. Ltd.: Messinello Wind S.R.L. (iv) Italy 100 100 Generation of electricity through renewable resources Held through YR Nokh Pte. Ltd.: Rising Sun Energy (K) Pvt Ltd (i) India 80 80 Generation of electricity through renewable resources Held through YR Paceco Solar Pte. Ltd.: Paceco Solar S.R.L. (iv) Italy 100 100 Generation of electricity through renewable resources Held through YR Pouto Wind Pte. Ltd.: Pouto Wind Limited (iii) New Zealand 100 - Wind electricity generation Held through YR Santa Giusta Solar Pte Ltd Santa Giusta Solar S.R.L. (iii)(vi) Italy 100 - Generation of electricity through renewable resources Held through Yinson Trillium Limited and Yinson Production Pte. Ltd.: Yinson Production (West Africa) Pte. Ltd.(i) Singapore 74 74 Provision of floating marine assets for chartering and service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction 19. Investment in subsidiaries (continued) (a) Details of subsidiaries are as follows: (continued)