Yinson Annual Report 2022

283 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 ACCOUNTABILITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONT’D) For the financial year ended 31 January 2022 19. Investment in subsidiaries (continued) Movement for allowance for impairment accounts: Company 2022 2021 RM million RM million At 1 February 49 11 Impairment (Note 9) 3 41 Disposal of subsidiaries - (3) At 31 January 52 49 In the current financial year, an impairment loss was recognised for certain subsidiaries of the Group as a result of their recoverable amounts being estimated to be lower than their carrying amounts. (a) Details of subsidiaries are as follows: Name of subsidiaries Countries of incorporation Proportion (%) of ownership interest Principal activities 2022 2021 Knock Allan Pte. Ltd. (i)(vii) Singapore 100 100 Dormant Yinson Clover Ltd (iv)(vii) Republic of the Marshall Islands 100 100 Investment holding Yinson Energy Sdn. Bhd. (viii) Malaysia 30 30 Provision of agency, consultancy, engineering and marine support services for oil and gas industry Yinson Engineering Solutions Pte. Ltd. (x) Singapore - 100 Liquidated Yinson Ghacacia Ltd (iv)(vii) Republic of the Marshall Islands 100 100 Investment holding Yinson Global Corporation (S) Pte. Ltd. (i) Singapore 100 100 Investment holding Yinson Heather Ltd (iv)(vii) Republic of the Marshall Islands 100 100 Investment holding