Yinson Annual Report 2022

VALUE CREATION MODEL OUTCOMES CORE VALUES R E L I AB L E OP EN ADAP TAB L E DEC I S I VE SUS TA I NAB L E FINANCIAL † RM3,607 million Revenue † RM1,476 million Adjusted Core EBITDA † RM534 million Core PAT † RM3,775 million Adjusted Revenue † RM401 million PATAMI † 18.8 sen Basic EPS C1 MANUFACTURED OFFSHORE PRODUCTION † Provision of reliable and affordable energy in the countries where we operate RENEWABLES † 3 GW – 5 GW renewables pipeline GREEN TECHNOLOGIES † Various infrastructure projects development to broaden our portfolio in green technologies † Various greentech research underway OFFSHORE MARINE † Support the delivery offshore energy products C2 INTELLECTUAL † ISO 37001certification for ABMS in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore offices † 0 code of conduct breaches reported † 0 fines or settlements related to antitrust/ anticompetitive business practices † 0 breaches concerning customer data † 0 suppliers identified as having potential negative social and environmental performance † Successful launch of Global HRIS † Various greentech research underway to expand our knowledge base in green technology C3 HUMAN † 0.00 LTIF and 0.21 TRIF † 9.26% annual attrition rate † 80 average training hours per employee † 21.9% female employees † 9.1% females in management positions † 36.4% females in board or supervisory board positions † 64% overall engagement score with 91% employee response rate † Improvement in offshore safety culture from ‘cover up’ level in 2015 to almost ‘excellence’ level in FYE 2022 C4 SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS † Over 9,600 students impacted through education CSR programmes † 20 scholarships provided † 4 teachers sponsored over 3 years † 0 suppliers flagged through the VRP for social and environmental nonperformance † 100% analysts find Yinson’s engagement to have increased or maintained in FYE 2022 † 4 out of 5 rating from analysts for Yinson’s openness and transparency, access to management and usefulness of corporate presentation to gauge business outlook † Strong relationships with stakeholder groups C5 NATURAL † 489.3 kg CO2e/MWh Group carbon emission intensity † 23 kg CO2e/BOE Offshore Production carbon intensity C6 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 OVERVIEW