Yinson Annual Report 2022

228 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (CONT’D) For the financial year ended 31 January 2022 Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities Loans and borrowings Lease liabilities Total Group Note RM million RM million RM million At 1 February 2020 3,830 32 3,862 Cash inflows/(outflows) Finance costs paid (314) (2) (316) Drawdown 5,258 - 5,258 Repayment (3,141) (13) (3,154) Other changes Acquisition of a subsidiary 351 - 351 Finance costs 12 258 2 260 Additions to lease liabilities - 8 8 Foreign exchange movement (136) - (136) At 31 January 2021 and 1 February 2021 32 & 33(b) 6,106 27 6,133 Cash inflows/(outflows) Finance costs paid (202) (2) (204) Drawdown 5,038 - 5,038 Repayment (2,700) (16) (2,716) Other changes Finance costs 12 304 2 306 Additions to lease liabilities - 12 12 Foreign exchange movement 212 - 212 At 31 January 2022 32 & 33(b) 8,758 23 8,781