Yinson Annual Report 2022

18 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD OVERVIEW VALUE CREATION MODEL OUTPUTS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES INPUTS VISION To be a global energy solutions provider that is known for being reliable, open, adaptable, decisive and sustainable MISSION Passionately delivering powerful solutions YINSON’S STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK & EDGE (pg 58) DIVISIONAL GOALS & STRATEGIES CREATE SYNERGISTIC VALUE MATERIALITY MATTERS (PG 129) UNITED NATIONS’ SDGS (PG 131) GROUP STRATEGIES BUSINESS GS1 Operationalise ESG GS2 Forefront of innovation and disruption CAPITAL GS2 Create sustainable shareholder value GS3 Tactical financial management ORGANISATIONAL GS5 Build a platform for growth GS6 E mpower decision-making STAKEHOLDER GROUPS (PG 124) YINSON PRODUCTION (page 96) YINSON GREENTECH (page 111) YINSON RENEWABLES [page 105] REGULUS OFFSHORE (page 116) S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 MI1 MI2 MI3 MS1 MS2 MS3 MN1 MN2 MN3 MF1 MM1 MH1 MH2 MH3 FINANCIAL † RM2,873 million cash and liquid investments † RM8,758 million total loans and borrowings C1 MANUFACTURED Offshore Production † 6 offshore production assets in operation † 3 offshore production assets under construction Renewables † 2 solar plants in operation † 1 solar plant under construction † 1.5 GW projects secured and in development † 3 GW to 5 GW early stage development pipeline Green Technologies † 6 green technology companies invested † 400+ EV chargers in operation Offshore Marine † 4 offshore support vessels in operation C2 INTELLECTUAL † Robust corporate and organisational governance † Development of strong cybersecurity capabilities and practices † Implementation of VRP † Implementation of HR Transformation Plan † Data Protection Officers trained in Data Privacy Laws in their respective countries † 1 research grant awarded and 1 research grant sponsored C3 HUMAN † 963 total employees † 55,100 total training hours on LMS † 97 leaders from Yinson Production attended SAYFR X-lab workshops † 18 leaders completed L.E.A.D. programme C4 SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS † RM1.7 million spent on CSR programmes † 382 suppliers and vendors engaged through the VRP † Proportion of expenditure on local suppliers: 54.1% Ghana, 62% Nigeria, 91.6% Malaysia † 12 analyst briefings † 45 investor events and meetings † Regular engagements with all our stakeholder groups C5 NATURAL † 2,541,697.7 MWh energy consumption † 10.9 ML water consumption C6 Business Management & Profitability Page 138 Business Model Innovation Page 142 Good Corporate Governance Page 145 Cybersecurity Page 147 Digitalisation Page 147 Human Capital Development Page 151 Operational Health & Safety Page 153 Human & Labour Rights Page 155 Sustainable Supply Chain Management Page 157 Client Relationships Page 158 Community Engagement Page 158 Climate Change & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Page 161 Waste & Pollution Management Page 163 Environmental Stewardship Page 164 Bankers & lenders Clients Crew Employees Government & regulatory bodies Industry Investors & shareholders Local communities Partners Vendors & suppliers 55,989,971.4 barrels of oil equivalents produced † 100% commercial uptime 99.8% technical uptime † 300 GW net power generated to India’s national grid (100% basis) † 287,986 tonnes CO2e carbon emissions avoided † Improved and integrated green technology products † 84.3% fleet utilisation of offshore marine fleet † BY-PRODUCTS 617 tonnes waste † 2,494.7 ML water discharged † 1,324,699.4 tonnes CO2e Group carbon emissions † YP YGT RO YR