Yinson Annual Report 2022

Part II – Conduct of General Meetings Intended Outcome 13.0 Shareholders are able to participate, engage the board and senior management effectively and make informed voting decisions at General Meetings. Annual General Meeting The AGM is the principal communication forum for Shareholders. In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and as part of the initiatives to curb the spread of Covid-19, the 28th AGM of the Company held on 15 July 2021 was conducted on a fully virtual basis via online meeting platform of Securities Services e-Portal provided by SS E Solutions Sdn Bhd in Malaysia via its website at www.sshsb.net.my/login and online remote voting via Remote Participation and Voting (“RPV”) facilities. The fully virtual AGMwas conducted in accordance with the Guidelines Notes on Conduct of General Meetings issued by the Securities Commission on the conduct of general meetings by listed issuers and the standard operating procedures issued by Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN). All Directors attended the 28th AGM held by the Company on 15 July 2021 via remote participation. The Chairs of the Board Committees attended the 28th AGM to provide meaningful responses to various questions addressed to them. The shareholders were allowed to submit questions for the Chairman/Board through a chat box embedded within the online meeting platform. The Group Chief Financial Officer and the External Auditors were also attended the 28th AGM to respond to any queries from shareholders/proxies. Questions that were not addressed during the Question and Answer session due to time constraint were responded to via email to the respective shareholder/proxy after the meeting. The notice of the 28th AGM dated 31 May 2021, which set out the businesses to be transacted at the AGM, was published in the Annual Report 2021, advertised in The Star newspaper, released to Bursa Securities and uploaded onto the Company’s website. The notice was accompanied by Administrative Details which provides administrative guide of fully virtual General Meeting including but not limited to the usage of the RPV facilities, General Meeting Record of Depositors, Proxy, Poll Voting and Procedures for the RPV facilities. Voting by poll was implemented for all resolutions set out in the notice of the 28th AGM and Commercial Quest Sdn Bhd was appointed as the independent scrutineer to observe the polling procedures and verify the results. Minutes of the 28th AGM including the Question and Answer session posed by the shareholders are made available on the corporate website within 30 business days of the 28th AGM. This CG Overview Statement was made in accordance with a resolution of the Board on 28 April 2022. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT 197 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 GOVERNANCE