Yinson Annual Report 2022

FYE 2022 HIGHLIGHTS FYE 2022 HIGHLIGHTS 2 Group Highlights 4 Group Financial Highlights 5 Key Events ABOUT THIS REPORT OVERVIEW 13 Chairman Statement 16 Business Model 18 Value Creation Model 20 Board Of Directors 26 Senior Management 32 Global Presence 34 Key Assets & Strategic Investments 37 Strategic Alliances & Industry Contribution STRATEGY & OUTLOOK 41 Group CEO Review 51 Strategy Review 59 Financial Review 70 Corporate Compliance Review 78 Legal & Insurance Review 82 People Review 96 Business Review – Offshore Production 105 Business Review – Renewables 111 Business Review – Green Technologies 116 Business Review – Offshore Marine & Malaysia Operations SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT 121 Sustainability Highlights FYE 2022 122 Our Approach To Sustainability 124 Our Approach To Stakeholder Engagement 129 Materiality Matters 131 Alignment With The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 132 Climate Change & The Energy Transition 134 GHG Methodology & Verification WHAT’S INSIDE