Yinson Annual Report 2022

Directors’ fees and meeting allowances payable to Directors of the Company were recommended by the NRC for Board’s consideration and consensus to be tabled for shareholders’ approval at the AGM of the Company held on 15 July 2021. The structure of the fees/allowances payable to the Directors of the Company for the FYE 2022 is as follows: TYPES OF FEES/ALLOWANCES RM Board fees Non-Executive Director/Independent Director 200,000/annum Executive Director 50,000/annum Chairman of the Board 60,000/annum AC/BRSC fees Committee Chairman fees 30,000/annum Committee Member fees 20,000/annum Other Board Committees fees Committee Chairman fees 20,000/annum Committee Member fees 10,000/annum Meeting attendance allowance Board Meeting and General Meeting allowances 2,000/meeting Board Committees allowances 1,000/meeting Details of the Directors’ remuneration (Company and Group basis) for FYE 2022 are as follows: Fees Allowance Salary Bonus Benefits in Kind Others Emoluments^ Total COMPANY AND GROUP LEVEL RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Executive Directors Lim Han Weng 70.0 17.0 4,144.5 980.1 - 923.0 6,134.6 Lim Chern Yuan 80.0 21.0 3,461.9 823.7 - 772.3 5,158.9 Bah Kim Lian 50.0 16.0 534.6 148.2 - 123.5 872.3 Non-Executive Directors Lim Han Joeh 200.0 16.0 - - - - 216.0 Dato’ Mohamad Nasir bin Ab Latif 250.0 25.0 - - - - 275.0 Dato’ (Dr.) Wee Hoe Soon @ Gooi Hoe Soon 280.0 30.0 - - - - 310.0 Raja Datuk Zaharaton binti Raja Zainal Abidin 270.0 30.0 - - - - 300.0 Datuk Abdullah bin Karim 260.0 29.0 - - - - 289.0 Rohaya binti Mohammad Yusof # 200.0 16.0 - - - - 216.0 Sharifah Munira bt. Syed Zaid Albar 200.0 16.0 - - - - 216.0 Gregory Lee 67.4 4.0 - - - 71.4 Total 1,927.4 220.0 8,141.0 1,952.0 - 1,818.8 14,059.2 ^ Comprises employer’s provident fund contributions, social security welfare contributions and Employees’ Insurance Scheme. # 50% of the Director’s fees for nominee of EPF on the Board of the Company is paid directly to EPF. None of the Directors of the Company derived remuneration from subsidiaries of the Company. The Directors and person connected with the said Directors, who are also the Shareholders of the Company had abstained from voting at the previous 28th AGM and will continue to abstain from voting at the upcoming 29th AGM on resolutions pertaining to their fees, benefits and re-election. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT 194 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD GOVERNANCE