Yinson Annual Report 2022

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy & Procedure The Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption (“ABAC”) Policy & Procedure guides employees towards eliminating acts of bribery and corruption within the Group, while encouraging business partners and other relevant parties commit to the same high standards. The ABAC Policy & Procedure clearly states that the Company has zero-tolerance towards fraud, particularly in bribery and corruption, whether passive or active. Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure The Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure was enhanced in July 2021 to allow anonymous reporting, in line with the ISO 37001 ABMS standards. This Policy & Procedure facilitates the disclosure of improper conduct (wrongdoings or criminal offences) within the Group and provides guidance on how disclosures shall be made. Whistleblowers are encouraged to use official whistleblowing channels to express these concerns without fear of unfair treatment or reprisal. The Company provides assurance of protection for genuine whistleblowers. Intended Outcome 4.0 The company addresses sustainability risks and opportunities in an integrated and strategic manner to support its long-term strategy and success. Yinson has put a sound and efficient governance structure in place to guide and manage sustainability-related matters as part of its existing corporate governance structure. The success of the governance structure is the result of sustainable leadership from our Board and Senior Management, which collectively forms our leadership team. The leadership team supports our Climate Goals, which is to be carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050. This has enabled Yinson to focus on good environmental stewardship and strive towards achieving sustainability leadership within our industry. We believe this strategic focus will preserve our long-term value to our stakeholders and support our successful transition into the low-carbon economy. Yinson has updated several internal governance documentations to enhance sustainability and climate-related risk governance at Board and Management level. The updated documents include Board Charter, Committee-level Terms of Reference and Sustainability Policy. Subsequently, Board Risk Management Committee has also been renamed to Board Risk and Sustainability Committee to reflect the enhanced responsibilities of the committee on managing sustainability, including climate-related risks and opportunities. To ensure effective management of the Board’s functions and duties on climate-related issues, the Board has delegated climate-related responsibilities to BRSC, with ultimate accountability tied to the Chairman of BRSC. In turn, the BRSC receives input from the MC and Sustainability Committee. Yinson’s sustainability strategies, priorities and targets as well as performance towards these targets are communicated to its internal and external stakeholders regularly via: • A nnual Report • Y inson Townhall by Senior Management • A nalyst and Investors Presentation updates • M edia release • C orporate website • T rainings In addition, Yinson’s commitment to climate initiatives has also been set out in its Annual Report 2022 and Yinson Climate Report for the information of its internal and external stakeholders. The Board through the NRC assessed the training programmes attended by each Director during the financial year to ensure they stay abreast with the latest developments in the industry as well as the sustainability issues relevant to the Company and its business, including climate-related risks and opportunities. With the ever-growing emphasis on sustainability as well as the increased expectations for the Company to behave responsibly, the Board will continue be engaging with subject matter experts from external and internal to ensure that the Board have the knowledge in supporting the Company to lift their sustainability focus to a sustainable strategy. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT 189 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 GOVERNANCE