Yinson Annual Report 2022

173 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE INDICATOR UNIT FYE 2022 GRI CODE MALE FEMALE Employees Total employee: Permanent and Fixed Term Employment + Contingent Workers Persons 1,393 Persons 1,161 232 Total regular employee: Permanent and Fixed Term Employment Persons 963 102-7 Persons 752 211 Contractor: Contingent Workers Persons 430 Persons 409 21 Total regular employees by region Asia Persons 733 102-8 405-1 Persons 566 167 Europe Persons 83 Persons 65 18 Americas Persons 9 Persons 3 6 Africa Persons 138 Persons 118 20 Total employees by employment contract & by region Direct hired: Permanent Employment + Fixed Term Persons 752 211 Asia Persons 566 167 Europe Persons 65 18 Americas Persons 3 6 Africa Persons 118 20 Temporary contract: Contingent Worker Persons 409 21 Asia Persons 210 14 Europe Persons 8 5 Americas Persons 12 2 Africa Persons 179 0 Total regular employees by employment type Full time Persons 752 210 Part time (1) Persons 0 1 PEOPLE PERFORMANCE