Yinson Annual Report 2022

165 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 OUR CAPITALS NATURAL CAPITAL Yinson integrates a combination of international and national regulation and industry best practices as the basis in our engineering solutions. We also comply to these regulations and procedures in our operational practices. These regulations include: • International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL): A convention aimed to limit the discharges of potentially pollutive substances in the waters where we operate and covers regulations to prevent pollution by oil, noxious liquid substances, sewage, garbage and air pollution. Yinson adopts the MARPOL requirements onboard all our units. • The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments: A convention aimed to limit the adverse impact of the discharging of ballast water in sensitive areas, and by extension to prevent the introduction of foreign organisms into marine biomes. Yinson practices regular reporting to any external and internal stakeholders of any accidental discharge of potentially harmful substances in accordance with MARPOL and the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation. In addition, to mitigate the risk of adverse impact on the biomes where we operate where residual risk remains we implement operational procedures and emergency response procedures. All Yinson Production assets have a unit-specific Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) onboard. The SOPEP Manual outlines emergency preparedness scenarios in the event of a discharge to the marine biome surrounding our operating assets. We are committed to transparency in our reporting and will disclose the number of any events in our annual reports, as well as the volume of spills as shown in the Performance Data section of this report. Our clients have prepared Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for the offshore fields where our assets operate. We are cognisant that our operations have the potential to impact the marine environment and as a result, we have created a framework to limit our potential impact based on international regulation, national regulation and industry best practice. Environmental performance, pg 101; Sustainability governance, pg 123 Energy management Energy is a key resource that we consume in the operation of our business. Our FPSO division consumes the highest portion of energy in our business, as electricity is generated onboard using gas from the field to power our FPSO operations. Our offshore marine operations utilise purchased fuel to operate our marine vessels and equipment onboard. The least consumption comes from our onshore offices. We seek to monitor our energy usage well, and lower it where possible, such as through conversion of equipment with low load ratings, energy efficient buildings onshore and efficient monitoring systems to detect inefficiencies. Air emissions These are defined as non-GHGs associated with air emission, such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. The emissions are based on activity data and conversion factors recommended by UK Oil & Gas ’EEMS – Atmospheric Emissions Calculations (Issue 1.810a)’. We actively monitor and measure the air emissions onboard our assets to meet stringent regulatory requirements on emissions levels. We aim to minimise our air emissions as much as possible by selecting low-emission technologies and engines for utilisation onboard our assets. Water Through the production process, Yinson’s FPSOs discharge produced water, slop and seawater (used for cooling purposes) to sea during daily operations. The World Bank requires that produced water discharges containing oil and grease to be below 30 ppm. We have successfully reduced our produced water discharges to levels below 15 ppm across all our assets, hence going below regulatory requirements. This is a feature created by design, whereby the discharge system for slop tanks (which is used for storage and eventual discharge of produced water and slop) is designed to only allow discharge after confirmation of slop tank oil in water levels to be below 15 ppm.