Yinson Annual Report 2022

150 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD OUR CAPITALS HUMAN CAPITAL Human Capital refers to our people’s competencies, capabilities and experience, as well as their motivations to innovate and align to the Group’s vision, mission, strategies and goals. At Yinson, our Human Capital consists of our onshore employees and offshore crew. ‘Human Capital Development’, ‘Operational Health & Safety’ and ‘Human & Labour Rights’ are three of Yinson’s material topics, identified during our materiality assessment. The first topic was identified as a topic and where Yinson can lead, while the second and third topics were identified as topics which can add operational value to Yinson. Our people are our most valuable stakeholder group, without which it a would be impossible to execute any of our plans effectively. As individuals who spend the greater part of their day contributing towards the success of our organisation, employees are the key to maximising the output and outcomes of all our other Capitals. Our approach to managing Human Capital centres around providing employee-driven solutions that are relevant, add value, and enable our people to succeed. HOW YINSON MANAGES OUR HUMAN CAPITAL INPUTS „ 963 total employees. „ 55,100 total training hours on LMS. „ 97 leaders from Yinson Production attended SAYFR X-lab workshops. „ 18 leaders completed L.E.A.D. programme. OUTPUTS & OUTCOMES „ 0.00 LTIF and 0.21 TRIF „ 9.26% annual attrition rate „ 80 average training hours per employee. „ 21.9% female employees. „ 9.1% females in management positions. „ 36.4% females in board or supervisory board positions. „ 64% overall engagement score with 91% employee response rate. „ Improvement in offshore safety culture from ‘cover up’ level in 2015 to almost ‘excellence’ level in FYE 2022. MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Our strategy for managing our Human Capital is intrinsically linked to how we manage: MH1 MH2 MH3 „ Provide security, insight and scalability through innovative technology. „ Provide globally benchmarked reward & recognition practices. „ Implement governance practices that support people operations and business growth. „ Recruit and retain passionate, skilled individuals through strategic manpower planning; provide them with resources to do their best work. „ Implement employeedriven approach to performance management and career development. „ Create a culture of learning to encourage personal and professional development. „ Maintain a capable global HR team that champions HR best practices across the organisation. GOALS Zero health and safety issues across our assets. Achieve leadership position as employer of choice. Enhance employees’ growth and development to support sustainable business growth.