Yinson Annual Report 2022

146 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD OUR CAPITALS INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Intellectual Property We recognise the importance of IP as a valuable company asset. Yinson continues to strengthen the management of IP through the implementation of a Global Initiative for IP, which includes: • T raining and awareness programmes for employees to identify and understand IP. • S ecuring Yinson’s IP, including trademarks, copyrights, designs and patents. • Development of IP Management Plan and Strategy. Intellectual Property Initiative, pg 80 Corporate tax governance Yinson continues to balance corporate tax governance with business activities and ethical, social and development-related expectations. Our approach to tax governance centres around a ‘Compliance first’ philosophy and includes considerations for tax management and governance, tax strategy and our relationship with tax authorities. Yinson’s Whistleblowing Policy & Procedure has mechanisms that were formulated to report tax-related malpractices. Sustainability governance Yinson has a sound governance structure in place to guide and manage sustainability-related matters. Our Board maintains oversight of sustainability strategies through our Sustainability Committee (“SC”). The SC is chaired by our Group CEO, with the committee made up of our key senior management. The SC convenes quarterly to review and guide our Group-wide sustainability efforts. The key function of the SC includes formulating sustainability strategies, setting metrics and targets, monitoring sustainability performance and managing sustainability risks and opportunities. Sustainability governance, pg 123 Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Safeguarding Yinson against corruption and bribery is amongst the top priorities of our organisation. Yinson’s management approach towards anti-bribery and anti-corruption is guided by our ABAC policy. In FYE 2022, Yinson was awarded ISO 37001 certification from Bureau Veritas for our ABMS. We continue to implement procedures and processes aligning ISO 37001 ABMS Standard. Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption, pg 71 Whistleblowing Yinson encourages all stakeholders including business partners, general public, employees, third-parties and vendors to raise genuine concerns about suspected or possible violations of Yinson’s COBE, improprieties in matters of financial reporting, noncompliances with laws and regulations, non-compliance with the Yinson’s policies and procedures and to disclose any improper conduct or other malpractices with Yinson though our designated channels, without fear of unfair treatment or reprisal. Whistleblowing, pg 76