Yinson Annual Report 2022

144 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD OUR CAPITALS INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Intellectual Capital refers to the organisational, knowledge-based intangibles including IP and organisational capital such as tacit knowledge, systems, procedures and protocols. ‘Good Corporate Governance’, ‘Cybersecurity’ and ‘Digitalisation’ are three of Yinson’s material topics, identified during our materiality assessment. The first two topics were identified as topics which can add operational value to Yinson, while the third was identified as a foundation topic for Yinson. Our strategy for managing our Intellectual Capital focuses on building strong systems and structures which can help us to deliver on our commitments, manage risks and excel on the global playing field; enhancing the collective knowledge and experience of the Group, as well as the creation of a conducive working environment that encourages teamwork. HOW YINSON MANAGES OUR INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL INPUTS „ Robust corporate and organisational governance. „ Development of strong cybersecurity capabilities and practices. „ Implementation of VRP. „ Implementation of HR Transformation Plan. „ Data Protection Officers trained in Data Privacy Laws in their respective countries. „ 1 research grant awarded and 1 research grant sponsored. OUTPUTS & OUTCOMES „ ISO 37001 certification for ABMS in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore offices. „ 0 code of conduct breaches reported. „ 0 fines or settlements related to antitrust/ anticompetitive business practices. „ 0 breaches concerning customer data. „ 0 suppliers identified as having potential negative social & environmental performance. „ Successful launch of Global HRIS. „ Various greentech research underway, to expand our knowledge base in green technologies. MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Our strategy for managing our Intellectual Capital is intrinsically linked to how we manage: MI1 MI2 MI3 GOALS Grow in collective knowledge, skills and experience as a Group. Continual improvement of organisational performance. Build a strong corporate reputation as a preferred business stakeholder. Safeguard the sustainability of business. Identify risk areas in our knowledge-based intangibles and effectively manage them. Create dynamic platforms and systems that enable effective decision-making and can be scaled for business growth and adapted to the changing environment. Create a corporate culture that is Reliable, Open, Adaptable, Decisive and Sustainable.