Yinson Annual Report 2022

131 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ALIGNMENT WITH THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS The UN SDGs are a blueprint for a better shared future. At Yinson, we have strategically decided to focus our corporate efforts towards aligning to seven key SDGs after taking careful consideration on how we can drive positive change. SDG Yinson’s indicators Progress against the indicators as at FYE 2022 • Number of schools with access to electricity • Number of schools with access to the internet • Number of scholarships given • Number of teachers sponsored • Number of students impacted at schools We continuously work with non-government organisations (“NGO”) and local communities to ensure that we support the education quality of the communities where we operate. • 1 school provided with access to electricity • 4 schools provided with access to the internet • 20 scholarships given • 4 teachers sponsored (over 3 years) • More than 9,600 students impacted at schools • Diversity profile of Yinson’s Board • Diversity profile of Yinson’s Senior Management • Diversity profile of Yinson’s employees Category Female Male Yinson’s Board 36.4% 63.6% Yinson’s Senior Management 9.1% 90.9% Yinson’s employees 21.9% 78.1% • Number of schools with access to electricity • Renewable energy generation 1 school in Ghana was provided with access to electricity through the provision of a 5 kW off-grid solar system, benefiting 250 students annually. 300 GWh generated from renewable sources. • Group-wide attrition rates • Annual new hires • Completion rate of employees undergoing training related to HLR • Number of students positively impacted • Continued excellence in our operational health & safety-related indicators • 9.26% Group-wide attrition rate • 295 new hires with 30.6% new hire rate • We are currently enhancing our HLR training programmes to increase awareness of this important issue • More than 9,600 students positively impacted • 0.00 LTIF and 0.21 TRIF across our offshore production division • Carbon intensity per barrel of oil equivalent (kg CO2e/BOE) • Carbon intensity per MWh of energy generated (kg CO2e/MWh) • Intensity of carbon emissions per revenue (‘000 CO2e/revenue) Following the establishment of our Climate Goals, we have been assessing various methods towards reducing emissions. We have also been in talks with clients and business partners towards utilising low-emission solutions. • 23 kg CO2e/BOE carbon intensity per barrel of oil • 489.3 kg CO2e/MWh carbon intensity per MWh of energy generated • 367.3 tonnes CO2e/RM million intensity of carbon emissions per revenue • Take action to reduce net GHG emissions by 2030 • Align operations to be net zero by 2050 We have thus far released our Climate Goals Roadmap that outlines the different pathways that we can undertake to arrive at our Climate Goals. We have further aligned ourselves to recommendations from the TCFD. We have also begun integration of our framework with climate-related risks. • Maintain parts per million (ppm) levels from produced water and slop overboard average levels of ≤15 ppm of oil in water content We continuously strive to ensure effluents from our operations are kept within regulatory environmental compliance. We successfully maintained ppm levels of water and slop overboard in FYE 2022 to ≤15 ppm.