Yinson Annual Report 2022

130 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT MATERIALITY MATTERS YINSON’S APPROACH TO MANAGING OUR MATERIAL TOPICS The management of our material topics is intrinsically linked to the management of our Capitals. We believe that good management of our environmental and social licenses to operate (i.e. our Human, Natural and Social & Relationships Capitals), will enable innovations and management processes to be enhanced (i.e. our Manufactured and Intellectual Capitals). This in turn is able to enhance our understanding of the risks and opportunities in order to better manage societal and environmental paradigms. The interlinked management of all our Capitals brings about improved profitability, ultimately forming a sustainable business model. Our material topics are mapped to our Capitals as shown below. Our approach on how we manage our material topics are disclosed within the Our Capitals section of this Report and structured by materials topic within the respective Capitals chapters. Capital Material topic Definition Financial Capital Business Management & Profitability Continued enhancements on processes directly related to business profitability, covering cost management and timely delivery of contracts. Manufactured Capital Business Model Innovation Improve business resilience against external pressures, market signals and trends through offering of innovative products and services. Intellectual Capital MI1 Good Corporate Governance Upholding of business policies and processes to be a responsible and ethical corporate citizen. MI2 Cybersecurity Ensuring digital systems and assets are safeguarded against external cyber threats. MI3 Digitalisation Integrate digital solutions into business processes and operations to optimise business growth in line with technology. Human Capital MH1 Human Capital Development Maintain our standing as an employer of choice through utilising competitive programmes that attract, retain and reward staff. MH2 Operational Health & Safety Provision of secure working conditions and systems to safeguard human health and wellbeing in all operations. MH3 Human & Labour Rights Maintenance of key principles relating to HLR standards as those defined by international conventions. Social & Relationships Capital MS1 Sustainable Supply Chain Management Management of suppliers and contractors to ensure sustainability principles are upkept within the value chain. MS2 Client Relationships Maintenance of relationships with Yinson’s business partners and clients to ensure mutual success. MS3 Community Engagement Collaboration with local communities where we have operations on social projects that benefit the wider public. Natural Capital MN1 Climate Change & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Integration of climate-related considerations into business strategies, as well as limiting the generation of carbon emissions from all operations. MN3 Waste & Pollution Management Responsible management of materials from acquisition to waste disposal that relate to the achievement of our business goals. MN2 Environmental Stewardship Advocacy of environment-friendly organisational practices including considerations for efficient energy management. Our Capitals, pg 136 C1 C2 C3 C5 C4 C6 MF1 MM1