Yinson Annual Report 2022

128 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT OUR APPROACH TO STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT partners Who are they? These are Yinson’s business partners who own equity in our assets and projects. Yinson’s value proposition • Knowledge, expertise, and experience in the delivery of energy solutions. • Disciplined business and financial management. • Collaborative, innovative, and tailored solutions to capitalise on market growth. Stakeholder importance Long-term strategic partnerships to leverage each other’s unique strengths for sustainable growth and continuous value creation. Frequency and methods of engagement • Daily: Regular engagement, communication and dialogue. • Regularly: Site visits, stakeholder engagement events, collaboration on announcements and press releases. Key areas of concern & Yinson’s response ‘Operational excellence’ and ‘Contractual obligations are met’ are key areas of concern for our partners and shared areas of concern with our clients. See ‘Clients’ section for Yinson’s response. Mutual value creation Forming alliances with reliable business partners has been a key success for Yinson, enabling us to increase our access to capital and strengthen our bidding capabilities. This has allowed the Group to bid for larger contracts and venture into new regions. S9 vendors & suppliers Who are they? These are the individuals and companies that Yinson engage with to deliver products, services and commitments. Yinson’s value proposition • Cooperate and collaborate to unlock new value and innovations. • Advocacy and engagement on ESG and sustainability matters. Stakeholder importance We engage with vendors and suppliers who deliver high-quality goods and services to facilitate Yinson’s value creation. Frequency and methods of engagement • Daily: Yinson website and social media, regular engagement, communication and dialogue. • Regularly: Supplier and industry conferences. • Based on need: Tenders and requests for proposals, site visits, vendor audits, VRP. Key areas of concern & Yinson’s response ‘Financial performance’ is a key area of concern for our vendors and suppliers and a shared area of concern with our bankers & lenders. See ‘Bankers & Lenders’ section for Yinson’s response. S10