Yinson Annual Report 2022

127 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT OUR APPROACH TO STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT INDUSTRY Who are they? Our various industry peers and strategic alliances that contribute to the progress and development of collective concerns and interests, including climate change matters. Yinson’s value proposition • Contribution of knowledge and skills for industry development and areas of collective concern. Stakeholder importance Contribution of knowledge and skills for Yinson’s development and long-term sustainability. Frequency and methods of engagement • Regularly: Active memberships in strategic alliances, participation as exhibitors and speakers at industry conferences; features, editorials, and advertisements in industry publications; networking events. Key areas of concern & Yinson’s response Mutual advancement of the industry through collaborations Yinson is committed to advocating and demonstrating our leadership in managing areas of collective concern such as climate change, global human resource development and the responsible advancement of industries that we operate in. We believe in collaborating with like-minded industry partners and parties towards achieving a more sustainable future for everyone. S6 Key areas of concern & Yinson’s response ‘Financial performance’ is a key area of concern for our investors & shareholders and a shared area of concern with our bankers & lenders. See ‘Bankers & Lenders’ section for Yinson’s response. INVESTORS & SHAREHOLDERS Who are they? Our investors and shareholders are individuals, companies or institutions that own shares in Yinson. Yinson’s value proposition • Business excellence. • Sustainable financial and growth performance. • Sustainable shareholder returns. Stakeholder importance Investors and shareholders provide financial capital for our sustainable growth. Frequency and methods of engagement • Daily: Investor Relations web portal, Yinson website and social media, regular engagement, communication, and dialogue. • Regularly: Investor conferences, one-on-one engagements. • Quarterly and based on need: Analyst briefings, press releases. • Yearly: Annual Reports, AGMs, investor engagement survey. • Based on need: EGMs, circulars. S7 LOCAL COMMUNITIES Who are they? These are the communities in the local areas where we operate. Yinson’s value proposition • Sustainable operations driven by safety and environmental excellence. • Socio-economic contributions for social and community developments. Stakeholder importance As a responsible corporate citizen, it is vital to understand our host communities’ concerns to cultivate long-term and mutual trust. Frequency and methods of engagement • Daily: Yinson website and social media. • Regularly: CSR activities, engagement with local vendors, local trainee programmes, press releases, community development programmes. S8 Key areas of concern & Yinson’s response CSR activities As a global organisation whose operations touch the lives of individuals all over the world, we are committed to good corporate citizenship in every community we operate in. A key consideration that we take when shaping our plans and strategies are the impacts that we can have in the local communities where we operate.