Yinson Annual Report 2022

116 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD STRATEGY & OUTLOOK BUSINESS REVIEW - OFFSHORE MARINE & MALAYSIA OPERATIONS Commentary by Lim Chern Wooi, Chief Executive Officer, Offshore Marine Dato’ Sabri Zain, Chief Executive Officer, Yinson Energy OFFSHORE MARINE HIGHLIGHTS FYE 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Received Logistic Operator Safety and Operations Excellence Award for PTSC Lam Kinh for the third consecutive year. Covid-free operations due to successful implementation of Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan. Smooth dry docking for PTSC Lam Kinh. ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE 38,122.7 tonnes CO2e carbon emissions Down by 20.3% from FYE 2021 131,912.3 MWh energy consumption 66.6 tonnes waste 0 non-compliances with environmental laws and/or regulations FLEET 3 AHTS 1 PSV UTILISATION RATES Yinson Hermes 71.2% Yinson Perwira 100% HEALTH & SAFETY 0 LTIF 0 TRIF 247,059 exposure hours PTSC Huong Giang 76.2% PTSC Lam Kinh 89.6% Fleet average: 84.3% Up 7.5% from FYE 2021