Yinson Annual Report 2022

107 ANNUAL REPORT 2022 STRATEGY & OUTLOOK BUSINESS REVIEW - RENEWABLES The pipeline is now well balanced between solar PV opportunities and onshore wind and we have maintained our focus on establishing a critical mass in the three main core regions: Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific. This has now been successfully achieved, however we will continue to grow the pipeline to deliver future growth. We manage our early stage and development & consenting activities through local development partners or service providers in each country. As of March 2022, we are collaborating with 9 different partners in addition to our majority-owned subsidiary Rising Sun Energy in India. YINSON RENEWABLES PROJECT PIPELINE Figures as at 31 March 2022 >3,500 MW 1,498 MW 285 MW 175 MW Projects secured Consent Grid PPA obtained, Final investment decision Commercial Operation Date 2 - 5 years to COD 6 - 8 months to COD 25 years + for operations 296 182 474 900 892 126 310 60 424 120 HYDRO 1,544 SOLAR 2,000 WIND 497 SOLAR 1,001 WIND 255 400 212 486 145 285 SOLAR 175 SOLAR Solar Wind Hydro Brazil Chile Columbia India Italy Malaysia New Zealand Peru Spain Vietnam Site Investigation Finding and evaluating Securing Development & Consent Design, evaluation, consent and grid applications Power sales and financing Construction Pre-construction Construction Own & Operate (including Power Sales) Assets in operation & under construction The solar plants at Bhadla, in Rajasthan, India have continued to perform well, with stable generation and no significant operating incidents. Gross generation for FYE 2022 was 1.6% over what was forecasted, while EBIDTA was 16% over target, primarily due to higher-than-expected carbon credit prices. During the year, the (non-recourse) project financing has also been refinanced, resulting in lower financing costs over a longer tenor and an improved bottom line contribution. Monthly & Accumulated Net Power Generation (GWh) Feb 21 Mar 21 Apr 21 May 21 Jun 21 Jul 21 Aug 21 Sep 21 Oct 21 Nov 21 Dec 21 Jan 22 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Actual generation Budgeted generation Accumulated actual generation Accumulated budgeted generation