Yinson Annual Report 2022

100 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD STRATEGY & OUTLOOK BUSINESS REVIEW - OFFSHORE PRODUCTION The stringent safety measures that we had put in place since the start of the pandemic in 2020 held us in good stead, as we were able to continue keeping our crew safe and assets operating at optimum capacity – even with rising Covid-19 numbers worldwide, exacerbated by the discovery of the Omicron variant in late 2021. The emergency response team at our operations headquarters, in cooperation with the leadership teams onboard, enabled us to control and mitigate all Covid-related situations. Covid cases were detected onboard our assets three times, but none resulted in an operational shutdown. We continued to work systemically to develop and improve our safety culture through our Safety Culture Transformation Programme (“SAYFR”), which we started since 2015. In FYE 2022, 97 offshore and onshore safety leaders attended Total Recordable Injury Frequency (TRIF) Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 FYE 2020 0.58 0.29 FYE 2021 0.44 0 FYE 2022 0.21 0 the ‘X-lab workshops’ facilitated by SAYFR subject matter experts, to prepare them to subsequently lead and facilitate the rollout of the eight safety leadership behaviours amongst the crew. We conducted our third SAYFR safety culture survey in 2022, receiving 282 responses (a response rate of 71%). We are pleased to note a steady improvement in our safety culture over the years, from ‘cover up’ culture in 2015, moving on to ‘normative’ in 2017, and now approaching ‘excellence’ levels in 2022. Overall, the most recent survey concluded that the safety culture maturity level is high onboard our offshore units, with room for improvements. IMPROVEMENT IN SAFETY CULTURE FROM 2015 TO 2022 2015 2022 7 4 2 0-1 2017 Accident rate (per 1,000 FPSO-years) Share of companies 25% ~1% 50% 25% LAISSEZFAIRE EXCELLENCE COVERUP NORMATIVE Other key achievements with regards to Health, Safety and Environment (“HSE”) in the financial year include: • Continuation of our Yinson Management System (“YMS”) revitalisation project with a complete revision of all management system documents. • Kick-off of our first safety leadership training module, which utilises a gamified digital app followed by facilitated team sessions. • Extensive training and certification provided to key HSEQ personnel on the Kelvin TOP-SET methodology – Yinson’s chosen methodology for incident investigation. • Training of key personnel in ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager courses, the international standard for risk management. • Training of key personnel in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System courses, strengthening our internal auditor capabilities. • Renewal of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certificates through third party renewal audits. • Establishment of a ‘Community of Practise’ between offshore and onshore safety personnel to share best practices and strengthen the relationship between offshore and onshore functions. • Enhancement of performance monitoring through dashboards that provided up-to-date, aggregated graphical presentations of HSEQ statistics. • Enhancement of our Ship Security Plans to mitigate rising security threats in the Gulf of Guinea. HSE PERFORMANCE FROM FYE 2020 TO FYE 2022 FYE 2020 FYE 2021 FYE 2022 Fatalities 0 0 0 Lost Time Injury 3 0 0 Medical Treatment Case 3 1 1 Restricted Work Case 2 2 2 First Aid Case 3 2 4