Wasco Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2023

Notes to the Financial Statements FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 43 SEGMENTAL ANALYSIS (CONTINUED) Energy Services Bioenergy Services Others Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 OTHER INFORMATION Financial year ended 31 December 2023 Depreciation of: - Property, plant and equipment 52,355 2,293 1,152 55,800 - Investment properties - - 195 195 - Right-of-use assets 24,618 67 920 25,605 Additions of: - Property, plant and equipment 120,059 3,932 3,542 127,533 Loss/(Reversal) of impairment on: - Property, plant and equipment 1,847 - - 1,847 - Investment properties - - 19 19 - Receivables (4,490) (1,285) - (5,775) - Amount owing from associate (10,216) - - (10,216) - Amount owing from joint venture 8,065 - - 8,065 Reversal on slow moving and obsolete inventories (201) (712) - (913) Write-off on: - Property, plant and equipment 4 5 120 129 - Receivables 105 1 - 106 - Inventories 236 157 - 393 Interest income (2,461) (683) (874) (4,018) Interest expense - Loans and borrowings 21,815 903 240 22,958 - Lease liabilities 11,524 - 107 11,631 Revenue comprise of: - Revenue from contracts with customers 2,295,538 288,844 - 2,584,382 - Revenue from other sources 21,279 - 27 21,306 2,316,817 288,844 27 2,605,688 Revenue from contracts with customers is represented by: Timing of revenue recognition - Over time 2,028,474 127,986 - 2,156,460 - At a point in time 267,064 160,858 - 427,922 2,295,538 288,844 - 2,584,382 Integrated Annual Report 2023 272