Wasco Berhad Integrated Annual Report 2023

Notes to the Financial Statements FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 40 STAFF COSTS Group Company 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 (Represented) Salaries, wages and bonus 456,550 369,122 980 8,441 Defined contribution plan 16,153 14,595 167 928 472,703 383,717 1,147 9,369 Included within staff costs are remuneration of Executive Directors of the Group and the Company (Note 41). 41 DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION Group Company 2023 2022 2023 2022 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Executive Directors Salaries, wages and bonus 5,769 5,958 - 2,160 Defined contribution plan 316 474 - 260 Directors’ fees 60 120 60 120 Directors’ allowances 6 24 6 24 6,151 6,576 66 2,564 Non-Executive Directors Salaries, wages and bonus 1,983 - 1,983 - Defined contribution plan 238 - 238 - Directors’ fees 470 410 470 410 Directors’ allowances 172 192 172 192 2,863 602 2,863 602 9,014 7,178 2,929 3,166 The estimated monetary value of benefits-in-kind received and receivable by Directors of the Group and the Company are RM261,000 (2022: RM76,000) and RM Nil (2022: RM45,000) respectively. In addition to the amounts disclosed above, the Group and the Company have made a provision of RM3,899,000 and RM Nil (2022: provision of RM2,400,000 and RM1,080,000) respectively for amounts payable to executive directors at the end of their employment for their services to the Group and the Company as part of their employment contract. With this, the total remuneration (including unpaid gratuity provision) amounted to RM10,692,000 and RM708,000 (2022: RM9,578,000 and RM4,246,000) for the Group and the Company respectively. 269 Wasco Berhad