Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2022 2 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 2.18 Financial liabilities (continued) (a) Classification (continued) (ii) Other financial liabilities The Group’s and the Company’s other financial liabilities include trade payables, other payables, intercompany payables, dividend payable and loans and borrowings. Loans and borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group and the Company have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting date. (b) Recognition and de-recognition A financial liability is recognised when, and only when, the Group or the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument. A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability is extinguished. When an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a de-recognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in the respective carrying amounts is recognised in profit or loss. (c) Initial and subsequent measurement Derivative financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value and subsequently stated at fair value, with any resulting gains or losses recognised in profit or loss. Net gains or losses on the derivatives include exchange differences. Trade and other payables are recognised initially at fair value net off directly attributable transaction costs and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Loans and borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. For other financial liabilities, gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the liabilities are derecognised. 2.19 Offsetting financial instruments Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the statement of financial position when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The legally enforceable rights must not be contingent on future events and must be enforceable in the normal cause of business and in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy. 2.20 Derivative financial instruments A derivative financial instrument is initially recognised at its fair value on the date the contract is entered into and is subsequently carried at its fair value. The method of recognising the resulting gain or loss depends on whether the derivative is designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the item being hedged. Gains or losses on derivatives that are not designated as a hedging instrument are recognised in profit or loss within ‘other gains/(losses) - net’. The Group and the Company currently do not hedge any of its derivative financial instruments. 2.21 Financial guarantee contracts A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due. Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2022 124