Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 98 Group Company Note 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Gross revenue 29 1,429,311 1,409,107 24,377 36,999 Cost of sales 30 (1,260,718) (1,229,435) - - Gross profit 168,593 179,672 24,377 36,999 Other operating income 63,012 64,186 1,136 3,695 Selling and distribution expenses (33,642) (31,951) - - Administrative and general expenses (153,273) (213,104) (13,990) (11,483) Impairment of non-financial assets (7,788) (164,045) (8,124) (46,000) Impairment of financial assets (7,291) (48,818) (237) (74,860) Other (losses)/gains - net 31 (2,597) 2,958 - - Profit/(Loss) from operations 32 27,014 (211,102) 3,162 (91,649) Finance costs 33 (36,148) (43,391) (4,470) (6,081) Share of results of associates (49,027) 12,942 - - Share of results of joint ventures (24,669) (26,473) - - Impairment of investment in associates 10 (14,511) - - - Impairment of investment in joint ventures 11 (3,000) - - - Loss before tax (100,341) (268,024) (1,308) (97,730) Tax (expense)/credit 34 (11,608) (38,678) 524 (940) Net loss for the financial year (111,949) (306,702) (784) (98,670) Net loss for the financial year attributable to: Owners of the Company (107,484) (295,149) (784) (98,670) Non-controlling interests (4,465) (11,553) - - Net loss for the financial year (111,949) (306,702) (784) (98,670) Loss per share computed based on the net loss for the financial year attributable to the owners of the Company: - basic and diluted (sen) 35 (13.88) (38.17) STATEMENTS OF PROFIT OR LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021