Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 97 Group Company Note 2021 2020 2021 2020 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES CAPITAL AND RESERVES ATTRIBUTABLE TO OWNERS OF THE COMPANY Share capital 24 547,690 547,690 547,690 547,690 Treasury shares 25 (624) (624) (624) (624) Exchange translation reserves 10,555 14,296 - - Retained profits 30,882 142,363 134,647 135,431 588,503 703,725 681,713 682,497 Non-controlling interests 49,658 49,838 - - TOTAL EQUITY 638,161 753,563 681,713 682,497 NON-CURRENT AND DEFERRED LIABILITIES Deferred tax liabilities 8 9,506 9,746 - - Lease liabilities 5(b) 223,142 197,728 - - Trade and other payables 26 25,065 26,789 - - Loans and borrowings 27 105,243 103,106 - - 362,956 337,369 - - CURRENT LIABILITIES Lease liabilities 5(b) 19,925 12,657 - - Contract liabilities 13 133,314 70,645 - - Trade and other payables 26 363,412 246,245 18,541 15,921 Provision for warranties 28 12,438 9,844 - - Amounts owing to subsidiaries 17(b) - - 29,148 17,216 Amounts owing to associates 18(b) - 1,560 - - Amounts owing to joint ventures 19(b) 1,610 5,139 - - Loans and borrowings 27 649,151 774,950 102,163 126,759 Dividend payable 19,875 22,109 - - Current tax liabilities 30,066 33,642 - 966 Derivative financial liabilities 20 533 99 - - 1,230,324 1,176,890 149,852 160,862 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,593,280 1,514,259 149,852 160,862 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2,231,441 2,267,822 831,565 843,359 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2021