Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 81 STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL BOARD RESPONSIBILITY The Board of Directors (“Board”) recognizes the importance of sound risk management and internal control practices for good corporate governance. The Board affirms its responsibility for ensuring the Group’s system is able to adequately and effectively manage significant risks. The Group has in place an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing significant risks through a framework, which includes a reporting structure. This is supported through a Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) that meets quarterly, receiving risk management updates and taking necessary actions to ensure that risks are managed within the acceptance levels of the company within which they reside. The Group’s system of internal control is designed to manage and mitigate risks appropriately, rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objective. Due to the inherent limitations in all control systems, these control systems can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance. The Board has received reports from the RMC that the Group’s risk management and internal control system is operating adequately and effectively in all material aspects based on the existing risk management and internal control system of the Group in financial year 2021 (“FY 2021”). Based on the reports received from the RMC and the reports from various sources (including both internal and external auditors), the Board is of the view that the system of risk management and internal control are in place for FY 2021 and up to the date of approval of this statement is adequate and effective to safeguard shareholders’ interest in the Group, interest of customers, regulators, employees and the Group’s assets. In addition, the Board also received assurances from the Group Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer of the Oil & Gas Division and Head of Finance from the Industrial Services Division that the Group’s risk management and internal control system are operating adequately and effectively in all material aspects, based on the risk management model adopted by the Group. RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The RMC being the sub-committee of the Audit Committee (“AC”) was established by the Board towards ensuring a sound system of risk management framework is embedded into the culture, processes and structures of the Group. The RMC provides oversight on the effectiveness of the Group’s policies and processes in identifying, evaluating and managing the Group’s risks. The RMC is headed by the Deputy Managing Director and made up of the Senior Management Team of the Group’s significant business divisions. The principal responsibilities of the RMC include:- • Reviewing the Group Risk Management Framework, as and when necessary, for approval by the AC and the Board; • Ensuring that the processes to identify, assess, treat, monitor and report on all material business risks are functioning as designed; • Maintaining and reviewing both the Group’s top risks and divisional/business unit risk profiles with the assistance from the Group Risk Management every quarter; • Providing guidance and direction to the Business Units on the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control system for the identification and mitigation of material business risks; and • Undertaking any other risk management tasks as may be delegated to the committee by the Board.