Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 33 NON-DISCRIMINATION Wasco is committed to a workforce free of harassment and unlawful discrimination. We treat all employees equally and fairly regardless of: We protect all employees in: Race, colour, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or nationality, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation or marital status. Hiring and employment practices through adequate living wages, promotions, rewards and access to training. We uphold our stand of ‘equal pay for equal work’ and comply with all local laws. There were no reported discrimination cases related to equality and diversity in 2021. EQUALITY IN RECRUITMENT Wasco adheres to local labour laws during recruitment, with a preference for hiring locally. Hiring from local communities enhances our ability to understand local needs and strengthens our capabilities on the ground. However, diverse talent and expertise are vital for a Group with an ever-expanding international customer base. Wasco sources these talents and expertise internationally when unavailable locally. Wasco practises equal opportunity and non-discrimination in its hiring process; candidates are only assessed on their qualifications and job suitability. Wasco does not discriminate in any stage of the hiring process, including recruiting from underprivileged groups, deprived backgrounds or the disabled. However, 0% of employees were disabled at the end of FY2021. In 2021, Wasco newly hired 38 employees. We also recorded an overall voluntary turnover rate of 3.35% during the year. Females represented 15.32% of the total workforce, despite the decline in the proportion of female external hires. Female representation at the Executive and Senior Manager levels remained stable. Speak Up Wasco complies with laws by continuously monitoring and auditing internal processes, such as hiring and promotion. We actively encourage employees to speak up if they believe someone has violated the Principles of Business Conduct or labour laws. We take all reports seriously, investigate each rigorously and demand the same high standards from suppliers and other entities with which we conduct business. Wasco has a formal mechanism for individuals and communities impacted by our business activities to raise their grievances, including human rights. An effective whistleblowing channel guarantees anonymity and is available to internal and external stakeholders. A remediation process helps address adverse human rights impacts that we have contributed to or caused. Our whistleblowing channel also allows employee representatives to engage with management. There were no instances of human rights violations during this reporting period. Salient Human Rights Issues Wasco assessed potential adverse human rights impacts and salient human rights issues. Engaging with stakeholders helped identify potential human rights impacts affecting operations. l Freedom of association and engagement l Enjoy just and favourable conditions of work l An adequate standard of living l Health l Social security and social insurance Rights to: Wasco supports the amendments to the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990. All contractors working on our projects must provide worker facilities that follow the International Labour Organisation (ILO) guidelines. Employees’ wages comply with all applicable Malaysian laws such as working hours, minimum living wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. In compliance with Malaysian law, we compensate workers for overtime at pay rates above the stated regular hourly rates. Docking wages as a disciplinary measure is not permitted. We also aim to eliminate excessive working hours by limiting them. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT