Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021

Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2021 31 Safety Governance Wasco’s Group HSE Committee is responsible for improving working conditions and provides employees and management with a forum to solve health and safety problems. The HSE Committee is a participative initiative comprising a chairman and management representatives. Led by Mr. Giancarlo Maccagno, Group CEO, the committee reviews safety concerns, performance and risks and reports the Company’s safety performance to the Board. Wasco’s Health, Safety and Enviroment (HSE) officers are responsible for: l Coordinating and ensuring HSE programmes are implemented effectively; l Checking that the Company’s facilities and infrastructure comply with applicable HSE standards; l Ensuring employees and every individual present at its premises meet all HSE requirements; and l Inspecting the port facilities and infrastructure daily to ensure compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, Act 514 (OSHA 1994) and its safety guidelines. Leading through the COVID-19 Pandemic Wasco’s commitment to controlling the current global health issue, COVID-19, covers employees, the community and the public. While the future looks brighter than last year, we remain committed to health and safety measures that protect employees, operations and communities. A dedicated Global Pandemic Preparedness Response Team was responsible for discussing and implementing strategies to prevent infection and minimise business disruption. The team manages aspects of the pandemic crisis such as education, personnel administration, spread management and reporting. Physical health, ergonomics, preventive health care and mental wellness are essential components of a healthy, engaged and productive workplace, especially during a global pandemic. Wasco increased its focus on overall employee health and well-being throughout 2021, emphasising mental health. Our operations in Australia held several sessions to address this, such as the Snap Decisions in April 2021 and ‘R U OK? Day’ in September 2021. At our Headquarters, we held a Mental Wellness Awareness Programme and sessions on supporting employees through the crisis. These programmes were open to all employees. Remote Work The sudden and swift shift from on-site to remote work environments due to the pandemic is challenging. Employees experience significant disruption in their work and home lives. Wasco continues to help and support employees to manage this change. Wasco ensured employees had access to the necessary technology and equipment to work remotely, providing laptops, headsets, efficient connectivity and remote access to share points and shared folders. One example implemented for staff based in KL Office was LAN Cabling costs up to RM500 and an internet subscription of RM90 per month from 1 March 2020. Safety Performance Coverage 100% Fatalities Coverage 2019 2020 2021 Employees 0 0 0 Contractors 0 0 0 Lost-time Incident* Rate 2019 2020 2021 0 0 0 * Lost Time Injury (LTI) is an injury sustained on the job by an employee that results in the loss of productive work time. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT